19. Peters heart

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The two of them had flown back to the Indian camp and brought the boys with them home. The lads were covered in battle tattoos, different shades of red, brown and yellow, and Wendy was in the process of cleaning the boys and tucking them into bed.

Peter on the other hand, had flown away on his own and sat far up in one of the branches of the tree. Something troubled him, and the usually so carefree boy wasn't sure of how to deal with it.

For as long as he could remember he'd have the lost boys at his side. However, he'd always been on his own.

Something about Wendy made him want to change that. He wanted her by his side, always. He wanted to always be there for her, to hold her in his arms and promise to keep her safe as he squeezed her tight. He wanted to take care of her and protect her against all the threats in Neverland and he started to doubt that he would be able to.

Thinking about how the last weeks been he grew unsure of what to do. These past weeks had been a blur of picnics and lullabies and adventures and flirting and, and Peter had loved it all. He realised that the thing he wanted the most was a home for him and Wendy, but he wasn't sure how to.

When he stopped ageing he'd promised himself not to grow up, to rely on no one but himself and especially not fall in love. Now that he had, would the spell be broken?

Peter didn't know what to do, so he just sat on the branch under the stars all night, and played his pan flute.

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