5. You can fly!

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Tinkerbell, who still was stuck in the drawer, listened to the hole conversation and when she heard that this big ugly girl was going to come with them to Neverland she got insanely jealous and threw her entire weight against the drawer but it wouldn't budge. She went back to the keyhole and looked through it. Wendy had gotten so happy over the fact that Peter actually wanted to take her with her that she gave him a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't anything big but Tink saw that for Peter who didn't even know what a kiss was this was quite the experience. Wendy blushed and said sorry but Peter just shook his head and said that it wasn't anything to be sorry about. That was it for Tinkerbell, that big ugly girl had just kissed Peter, her Peter. She flew in such speed agains the drawer it flew open and then she pushed herself to go even faster directly at Wendy and pulled her hair.
"Ow" Wendy said in surprise and turned around "what's wrong Wendy?" Peter asked concerned "it felt just as if someone tugged my hair" Wendy answers while adjusting her hair bow. Then Peter laughed "Oh then it's just Tinkerbell, she doesn't like not being in centre of attention" Wendy looked around confused "Who?" She couldn't see anything "Tinkerbell" Peter repeated and just then the little fairy landed on his shoulder "Oh, I can see why she is used to the attention, she is very beautiful" Wendy observed her closely and was almost spellbound by how she seemed to sparkle and glow in the dark. The sounds of bells filled the air again and Peter burst out laughing, Wendy didn't understand why he started laughing so suddenly but then he managed to get out "She said that you're a big ugly girl and if" when he laughing even harder so Wendy could see his eyes water "if you kiss me again she will kill you" he straightened and swiped the tears from his eyes "That wasn't very nice" said Wendy who had lost almost all respect for Tinkerbell "Don't worry, she won't really harm you, right Tink?" Tinkerbell nodded her head in answer of Peters words but she still looked rather upset. "You see" Peter flashed Wendy a smile "But I think it's time to go now" he tugged Wendy back to the window. "But" she started to feel uneasy "what will mother say?" Peter looked weirdly at her "what's a mother?" Now she looked equally as oddly at him "There is really a lot of things you don't know, a mother is someone who cares for you, she make sure you eat you food and doesn't freeze. And she tells you stories..." Peter grinned at her "Then you can be our mother, come on" then he pushed her against the window again "But what about Michael and John? Who should tell them stories if I leave?" She backed away from the window "We'll take them with us" Now Wendy smiled, that was the only thing that had made her hesitate, if they left her little brothers behind she would go around and worry all the time but now there was nothing that could stop her.

A few minutes later she had waken up both her brothers and now they where asking Peter loads and loads of questions about pirates and Indians. Peter wondered if they ever would shut up. "Okay my dear friends, let's get to Neverland, the only rule is that you got to have fun... And that you have to take orders" Wendy cleared her throat "Ehm... Peter? We still don't know how to fly" "Oh don't worry Wendy it's easy you just" he stopped in his tracks "huh, that's weird" he exclaimed "Don't you know?" All the kids looked at Peter with great interest "of course I know, I just haven't thought about it" John looked at him in disbelief he still wasn't sure of who this guy was. He didn't seem like an English gentleman to him. "Now I know!" Peters sudden outburst made everyone jump a bit "You just think of lovely wonderful thoughts, and they lift you up in the air" then he flew around the room to show them. "Wow" said Michael while John just stared at Peter as he floated through the air "Any happy little though?" Asked Wendy. "Yeah anything" Michael crawled up in Wendy's bed and started to jump "Let me try, let me try" He closed his eyes and thought about his favourite toys and about all the candy he got last Christmas, "One, two, three" all the kids counted but when he jumped he just stumbled to the floor. "Let me try" said John but even though he about all his A+, he too, fell to the floor. "Hmm" Peter looked at the children in Wendy's room and couldn't understand why the didn't fly, it was no problem for him so why didn't it work? "All it takes is fait and trust" he mumbled before realising "And some pixie dust!" He grinned widely and turned to Tinkerbell, he could see that she had been trying to avoid it but when he turned to her she just sighted and went up to spray some of her sparkling dust over the darling kids. At once the children started to lift and they all squeaked in delight as they saw that their feet no longer touched the ground. Wendy giggled as Peter spun her around in the air and showed her how to fly smoothly. Wendy felt so happy and free in that moment that even her toes felt giddy, she smiled at Peter and wished that the feeling never would go away. He came closer and whispered in her ear "Ready to go yet?" She nodded and turned to her brothers "Come on boys, let's go on an adventure" and just as that they left through the window, while there parents slept peacefully in an other part of the house.

-------------------------------------------Okay, I just managed to write that. Quite impressed, it was really hard to do and I'm still not satisfied which sucks. But well, I hope you enjoy (:

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