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"Papa...can you repeat that please?" our protagonist requested, as she tilted her head in amusement.

The cross-dresser sitting across from her sat with a wide smile, no doubt having been charmed by a certain four-eyed sweet talker over the phone. "Like I said, my sweet Hanabi, Haruhi has joined a club! Ohhhh my sweet little hard working Haruhi is finally making some new friends! Papa is so happy!"

Hanabi once more tried to calm her excited father, a feat that is failed more often than not. Especially when it came to his daughters. "Yes yes, we're so happy, but what club did you say she joined?"

"A Host Club!" Ranka repeated, joining his hands together as he swayed in his seat.

Hanabi nodded, "yup, that's what I thought I heard." She sweat dropped as she could almost see the cutesy flowers radiating from his form. "And you're okay with this?" She was surprised, her Papa could be a bit overwhelming with his protective tendencies.

"Well of course I was skeptical at first, but that Ootori boy promised to keep me updated. He seems like a good boy," her father stated with a smile. "And you know how busy Haruhi is with her school work, maybe she'll learn to have some fun with it."

Hanabi smiled, "she deserves it."

"Exactly!" Her father threw his arms around his eldest child, causing the girl to giggle. "My daughters deserve every happiness this world can give to them! If Haruhi wants to join a host club, this father will allow it!" A dark shadow formed around the room as he smiled, "but of course, I'll be watching."

Hanabi grinned as well, "me too, Papa. I'm sure I'll run into them sometime."

He pat her on the head, "and you'll tell me if any of those boys hurts her, won't you?"

"Of course!"

"That's my girl!" Ranka checked the clock on the wall before standing up with a smile. "I'll see you girls in the morning. Don't tell Haruhi that I know about her club! And don't forget to do your homework!"

The brunette groaned at the reminder, but sent her father off with a smile. She didn't understand why her father wanted his knowledge under wraps, but she didn't question it. Her father often had random whims and urges that made no sense to her, but it made him happy to do it. And seeing her father happy made her happy.

She let her homework flop open onto the table and set to work. Unlike her sister, she was attending an affordable school as a second year. The Fujioka sisters were both gifted when it came to academics, and learning new things came easily to them. She was at the top of her class at her private school, but even still, she lacked the drive to attend the same prestigious school that Haruhi had dreamed about since they were young.

She opted for the less demanding academic route, and took on more of the financial responsibilities with her father. She didn't have to, of course, her father would never force her to slave away just to keep food on the table. That was his job. But Hanabi had found her passion early on in life, and every hour of work was done with a smile on her face.

"I'm home!"

Hanabi was already looking up at the sound of the door opening, and gave her sister a smile as she walked into the room, "welcome home!"

"Ne-chan, did you eat yet? I'll make something," Haruhi offered.

She dismissed her with a wave of her hand, "I'm just about done with my homework, I'll cook tonight."

Haruhi sat at the table with a huff as she dropped the contents of her bag on the table, "I appreciate it."

As Hanabi packed up her school stuff, she was examining her little sister. She showed no signs of change, gave no indication that she was surrounded by beautiful men or women from her new club. But she expected that. Haruhi was very easy-going and always able to adapt to changes with a steady mindset.

She sighed, although she expected it, she still wanted to hear about it! From what her father had said, Haruhi had been in the club for at least a few days, surely something exciting should have happened by now!

"You're staring."

"You're wearing a uniform today," Hanabi observed, ignoring her sisters observation. "Why were you given the males one?"

Haruhi shrugged, "it's what they had. I'm just glad I was given one. And should you really be questioning it?" She asked as she raised her brow at Hanabi's own uniform.

"Mine is an exception." She was allowed the male uniform to make her job easier. "I'm just surprised that a school like Ouran is open to allowing their students that kind of freedom."

Haruhi let out a sigh, "honestly, no one pays much attention to the life of commoners there. This uniform is more convenient for now, and you know it doesn't matter to me either way."

"I can understand the convenience of wearing pants."

"Yeah, and now that I've started hosting, it's important to the club that I appear male," she explained.

"Oh, right. Hosting... Haruhi..." said girl looked up in question when her sister trailed off. "So, you've joined a host club...?"

Haruhi responded simply as she held her stare, "that's right."

"...okay then! Any requests for dinner?"

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