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Satoshi laughed as he watched Hanabi yawn for the 5th time in under a minute. She slowly blinked, and caught her self before she could fall over.

"At this rate, you're gonna go swimming again. And you won't be able to blame me this time," Chika said.

Finally done with the days work, she was just relaxing outside at the Morinozuka estate with the two younger brothers. She yawned again, "I never did blame you."

"Why are you so tired anyway?" Chika asked.

"Hmm..." she spoke tiredly, "since it's summer, Ootori-san has been working me to the bone. I'm not complaining though. I feel like I've learned so much over these past few weeks."

"That bad? You should take a break," Satoshi suggested.

"Yeah! Let's take Hana-chan to the beach!" She immediately shot up upon hearing the familiar nickname.

"Nope nope nope nope!!!" Her foggy mind riddled with exhaustion decided that Takashi's shoulders were the perfect place to stay dry. "I won't be swimming in the pond again!"

Takashi barely even stumbled at the added weight, since he was used to his cousin jumping on him with no warning. But this wasn't his cousin, it was the female he couldn't get out of his head.

Hanabi's arms wrapped around Takashi's neck, and her legs went around his middle. She watched the Haninozuka brothers begin their battle from Mori's back. For once, she didn't feel as if she were in any danger, even as sharp bladed items flew past her vision. In fact, she couldn't remember a time where she's ever felt safer.

Takashi's hands automatically gripped onto her legs as he felt her slipping. He was thoroughly confused when he heard soft snores near his ear.

"Woah, she actually fell asleep!" Satoshi whisper-yelled. Not that it mattered. If the sounds of the baby-faced brothers battling it out couldn't wake her, nothing would.

"Satoshi." Takashi asked.

"Yeah, got it, Taka-kun!"

Takashi left the cousins with his brother to watch, and went into the house with Hanabi on his back. He brought her to a guest room, and left her there like a gentleman.


Mori turned around, "father."

"Let's talk."

"Hana-chan!!!" Honey shouted. "Are you better now?"

She nodded with a smile and then turned to Takashi. She bowed deeply, "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me! I mean, I was tired, but that's no excuse! It won't happen again!"

"It's okay. I didn't mind."

She peeked at him through her lashes, and blushed. She knew his words were genuine.


She froze when she heard the head of the estate address her. She used one of their beds! Her! A commoner! She's used their shower before, but she definitely pushed it too far by laying in their bed! And would Takashi get in trouble for it? She's seen family heads strike their children before. She paled at the thought.

She spun around and bowed even deeper, "I am so sorry for my actions today! I take full responsibility for all the trouble, so please don't punish Takashi for helping me!"

Akira was a little surprised to hear her use his sons first name, and even more so when she defended his actions. "My son acted as he was raised, there is no need to worry. And Hanabi..." he smiled gently, "I don't mind if you rest your head here. Feel free to make yourself at home." He then left the room.

"I- what?" She asked stupidly.

Satoshi let out a laugh, "you heard the man. Let's have dinner here! I bet you're hungry."

"But...that's not-"

"Hanabi." She turned to the taller male, who held out his arm for her to take. An invitation, as clear as any.

Takashi was wearing a white short sleeved shirt. If she curled her fingers around his forearm like he's asking her too, she knew she'd feel the impressive cuts of his muscle with her own fingertips.

She looked up at Takashi, for once not shying away from the intensity in his gaze. Somehow, she knew that there'd be no going back from this moment, and she was a little terrified. But the longer she looked into his eyes, the safer she felt.

Her hand curled around his arm.

Mitsukuni, Satoshi, and even Yasuchika exhaled in relief. Though none was more relieved than the one receiving her hand.

"Do you have any more plans this summer?" Satoshi asked her as they ate.

Hanabi took awhile to loosen up at the dinner table. But it was just the two sets of brothers as her company, so it was easier for her to feel comfortable. It would've been a much harder experience if their fathers were also here.

Little did she know, the family heads ate their dinner elsewhere for her sake.

"I'm hoping to squeeze out one more camping trip," she answered him. "But since Haruhi came back from Karuizawa, she's been stricter about people I meet online. I might just have to solo it, which would mean a shorter trip."

"Can we go with you?" Honey asked. "We can make it a group trip!"

Hanabi almost choked on her drink. "You and Takashi might be fine...but I don't think the others are up for roughing it out in the woods..."

"Then we can just go!" Honey decided. "It'll be fun!"

But of course, when Honey told Tamaki their plans, he refused to be left out.

Next time: the Host Club goes Camping!

Poor Haruhi.

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