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"This is like Kyoya-senpai's family resort all over again," Hikaru complained while dragging his feet.

"All we're missing are the alligators," Hanabi laughed.

"And your bikini top," Kaoru pointed out, a bit disappointed.

"Even I'm not stupid enough to go shirtless out here," she said. "The mosquitoes would eat me alive."

Haruhi sighed and swatted another mosquito on her hand. "They still are."

"That's cuz you're moving too slowly, dear sister of mine."

"Excuse me for not being as energetic as you are."

"Oh! I'll be right back!" Hanabi darted off into the trees, showing truth to her statement. The others just paused and waited obediently, having dealt with this a few times already. They took the chance to find a comfortable tree root to sit on.

"Has she always been like this?" Tamaki asked. "I lost count of how many things she's caught already."

"Well...most kids do it right? She just never grew out of it."

"We've never done it." The twins stated. "I'm sure none of us did."

"Maybe it's a commoner thing," Hikaru added.

"That's it!" Tamaki shouted. "It doesn't cost anything to catch bugs, so commoners have created a game out of it!"

Hanabi hopped back over, "I wouldn't call it a game, but it sure is fun!" She held out her hand, "behold! A Miyama!" The others stared at the giant beetle in her hand. It kicked its legs in a desperate attempt to gain freedom. "Isn't it cute?!" Her eyes shined.

"I don't understand the appeal," Kyoya finally said.

"I think Hana-chan doesn't know what cute means."

"Anyone wanna hold it before I let it go?"

"Allow me to partake in this commoners game! I will hold it!" Tamaki shouted.

She stared in surprise, "are you sure? You don't have to force yourself." At his determined nod, she shrugged and let him do as he pleased. She grabbed his hand, showing him the best way to hold it without hurting himself, and the bug.

She could see him shivering in disgust, and once more asked if he was sure, before letting go of her hand. There was a mute pause as Tamaki just stared blankly, and then he started screaming as it squirmed again, accidentally letting it go.

Hanabi and the others just laughed as the Suoh was targeted by the vengeful insect, who soon disappeared back into the trees. Tamaki panted and collapsed into the nearest tree trunk, asking Kyoya for mercy in the form of a helicopter.

Hanabi panicked, "wait! We're probably almost there! Can you hang in there just a bit longer?"

"How much longer?" The twins asked. "It's already dark."

"Urmmm..." Hanabi could only guess. She peered up into the treetops, wanting a higher view. She glanced back at Haruhi, not wanting to be scolded if she fell again.

"Feel free," Takashi's deep voice sounded by her ear, "I'm here."

She smiled happily. Having him here sure is reassuring. He lifted her up onto the first branch and she carefully climbed the rest of the way. She was glad to see that things were the same between them after last night.

She woke up on her bed this morning, the only proof of last night being the blanket Takashi brought over. He didn't mention anything, nor had he acted weirdly around her. She could only assume he didn't remember anything that had happened.

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