Twenty five

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Hanabi pinched at the skin on her arm nervously. She may have been used to dealing with the higher class due to her job, but her nerves were beginning to get to her as her tolerance wore down.

Takashi could sense her growing discomfort, and tried to stay nearby, but club duties rarely allowed for that to happen.

It was the annual fair at Ouran Academy, and the club was hosting an all day event for the parents and students who chose to visit. At a glance, it seemed business as usual, but anyone could sense the judging gazes in the eyes of families. This event was more than a school event. It was also for securing connections, digging up dirt, and for the students- not disappointing their parents.

Tensions were high all over the school, including the club room, but Hanabi couldn't bring herself to leave. She found comfort in the fleeting glances that Mori could spare.

She handed out another of her business cards. Kyoya insisted on making them, knowing that her displays would inevitably be seen during this event. And although she was happy that her work was sought after, she was terrified that she wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand.

"Hanabi," Tamaki said as he hurried over.

"Hey Tamaki, what's up?"

"Kyoya's father is asking for you to accompany him at his table." Although he said it casually, her heart tensed with anxiety. She'd see him once in awhile at his work sights, but most communication was done through his company. For him to directly ask for her presence was a bit strange, especially in a place such as this.

Perhaps she was overthinking things. She had spent most of her time flitting between families she knew, and getting introduced to families who were interested. Many of them were surprised to know she was a commoner, and they didn't try to hide it. They questioned the other families for their encouragement to use her. But she let her work speak for itself, and encouraged them to enjoy her creations for themselves before deciding on whether or not her services were for them.

She was a bit...over it. To put things lightly. Maybe after her time with the Ootori, she'll finally take her own leave.

"Thank you, Tamaki. I'll see myself over," she said. He thanked her and gracefully turned away. She bowed to the family she was speaking with and thanked them for their time before making her way over. She stood silently near his table, waiting patiently for him to finish his conversation with his acquaintance.


She bowed slightly as she greeted the oldest Ootori. "Ootori-san, good evening."

He nodded in approval, and dismissed his previous company. He gestured to the open seat across from him.

No sooner than she was sat, Kaoru brought her a tea cup, and Hikaru filled it for her. She thanked them, glad to see their encouraging faces. It was a refreshing change from the one staring at her across the table.

She willed her hands to stop shaking, before picking up the delicate cup.

"You've gotten quite familiar with the Host Club."

It wasn't an observation, she noticed. It was a fact, one that he was confident about. "Yes. My..." sister, "excuse me. I am Haruhi's sister, so I tend to have a lot of contact with their club members."

Yoshio didn't miss her little slip up, but chose to ignore it. He of course knew of the cross dresser's true gender. "I is your business?"

Hanabi resisted the urge to blank-face him, instead, she took a small sip of her tea to reset her face. A commoner like her talking business with a national conglomerate? Unheard of!

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