Twenty two

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Hanabi peered through the bushes to spy on a student working around a box. She found it while she was working earlier, and she wondered who had worked so hard to give this wild bird a safe place. He finally made his appearance and she listened to him talking to the little birdy.

She smiled, happy to see such kindness.

"There you go. I hope you get better quickly."

Hanabi was on her belly, putting her directly behind the box. "It's very comfortable, thank you for your efforts."

The red headed student with the sharp features stumbled back in shock. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, before slowly crawling back to the bird. "Did you"

"Who else would it be?"

The males eyes shot up in surprise, before he scoffed. "As if I'd believe that!" He got down on his belly and peered under the bushes, shooting backwards in surprise when he saw a beautiful face smiling at him.

"Ah, you got me." She laughed. "Wait right there! I found some stuff for Tori-san."

He waited, mostly in surprise. It was the first time a female had gotten so close to him. Usually they'd be too scared.

"Sorry for surprising you!" She called out as she made it around the rose maze. "I couldn't resist. I always wished animals would talk back to me, so I thought I'd try being on the other side of things," she said while laughing.

He could only stare with an unintentional sour look on his face. Though his head was reeling from her willingness to talk to him.

"My name is Fujioka Hanabi," she introduced. "It's nice to meet you!"

He stepped back in surprise again, it's nice to meet me? He thought. When was the last time I've heard that with such sincerity?! Name! I gotta tell her my name! "Kasanoda Ritsu." He introduced harshly.

"Kasanoda-san? Is that okay?" She asked. She knew students here were not ordinary people, it was best to make sure she's addressing them properly. He nodded. "Great! Like I said, I found some stuff for Tori-san! He seems to like you, so I'll give it to you." Hanabi carefully reached into a pocket in her shoulder bag.

She held out her hand, prompting him to hold his own out. She put her other hand right underneath his to steady it, but she paused before handing over the creatures.

"Uhm, hang on. Are you okay with bugs?" She asked to make sure.

Ritsu could only think about the warmth of her soft hand under his own. He blushed deeply. It was the first time he's ever felt the hand of someone who wasn't trying to hurt him. Or was she?!

He ripped his hand away, suddenly guarded.

Hanabi panicked, "I'm so sorry! I should've asked first! I was just so excited to meet someone else so kind-hearted here...I got ahead of myself."

Kind? With my face? He watched as she got on her knees next to the little brown bird. She presented her hand, and he gloomed when all he could see was a bunch of little harmless bugs. Now she's probably scared of him...just like they all were.

"I'm so glad!" She suddenly said. "I was worried he wouldn't take it, since they aren't alive, but I'm so glad that he did!" She turned to him, and he was surprised to see her smile hadn't faded one bit. "Since you're not good with bugs, you can still give him seeds or berries. Oh, but you probably already knew that," she scratched her cheek bashfully.

He stared, and finally said a full sentence. "I'm fine with bugs."

Hanabi recalled his reaction from earlier, and raised her brow. "Oh?" She asked doubtfully.

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