lies, lies, and more lies.

13 1 0

(bold and italics are thoughts, underlined are povs, )

TW: slight anxiety, mentions of sex.


I get back to my apartment around 2:30 in the afternoon, thank heavens I decided it would be better to have my own apartment instead of sharing with Julia and Yvonne. I set all my stuff down on the island and slowly sink to the floor. My thoughts are running ramped and I don't know how to calm them down. He just isn't leaving me alone. I don't know what to do anymore. What happened last night was... that was a crime. A real crime, someone was murdered right in from of my eyes. I should tell someone. I need to tell someone...

These thought swarm all around my head but the idea of telling someone stuck. I was stuck. But why? It doesn't make sense; it was a crime and I needed to tell. But for some reason I didn't want to. I thought of the man... the way he looked at me, I felt like he knew that I wouldn't tell anyone. And I felt compelled to keep his trust. He let me go, but he won't extend that twice, if I do tell then he will definitely find me and kill me for real. But if I don't tell who is next on that list?

I grab my phone from inside my bag and start to dial the number to local station, but I couldn't hit the button. Don't. The word popped into my head almost as if he said it to me directly, this sent chills down my spine. I exit the call and set my phone down. I lay on the floor letting the cool wood calm me down. After an hour or so I feel much better. I changed into some comfortable clothes and made my favorite tea. I open my laptop and go to google. I look up anything and everything about last night's incident.

There isn't much information at first but, the police have finally identified the men who were killed. The Walla Walla department has made a post welcoming the FBI to the case. The detective in charge, Dr. Damian reed Woodman, has made a public announcement about the case. I clicked on their video statement released only half an hour ago.

"Late last night between the hours of 8 and 10pm a brutal attack occurred behind the starshine club on 10th. The police are working nonstop to find the assailants. We know from the severity of these murders that we are looking for a skilled team of individuals. Because of who these men were, we are ruling out the possibility of a random gang attack, we believe the men we are looking for are of high intelligence and are not any average group. After countless hours of work and DNA recognition we have now identified all 5 of the victims. They are as follows: Mark Andrews, Nathan Cassidy, Joshua peters, Clark ridder, and Mathew Weddleton. To the families of these men, we send our condolences and assure you that we will not stop until these men pay for their crimes. To the public we ask that if you have any information at all relating to this incident, please contact the local police station. Thank you." 

I stare at my screen in silence. I feel a pit in my stomach and my breath is shaky. I think again to my original thought I definitely need to tell them what I know. Right? I pick up my phone once again and start to dial the number... But I stop myself. Deep down I hear a voice. The same one from earlier. "Don't do that." I see him in my mind, They way he looked at me... i cant explain it but it was Exciting... He was exciting.

I close the video and look up the men who died. I need to know more about them. These men all worked for the city in some way, I guess that was what the police meant by "who these men were" After an hour of researching these men I found out that Mark and Clark worked as attorneys, Mathew worked in financing, Joshua and Nathan both worked as executive assistants. Other than the fact that they were a part of the city I can't find any connection to them.

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