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(Bold is thoughts, underlined is pov.)

TW: Mentions of sexual acts

I woke up with Jason wrapped around me. I could hear him breathing sweet and softly. I slowly move to get up, I don't want to wake him up. I take a few steps and almost knock into the side table. I turn around and make sure I haven't woken him up, when I know he is still asleep I tiptoe quietly to the bathroom and close the door.

I turn on the shower and step inside. I let the water hit my face as I think about last night. I can still feel his skin on mine. I can still smell his sweet sent in my nostrils. I smile as I trace my body with my fingertips, hitting every spot he left a hickey.

I let the water run down my body, I am so engulfed in my thoughts I didn't hear Jason come into the bathroom. He slips into the shower with me. He stands behind me and pulls me back onto his chest. He kisses my shoulder and reaches for the soap

. "Mhmm Goodmorning honey" he lathers up the luffa and starts washing my body with it.

"Hi." I just melt in his touch and smile. I let him wash my body and hair, then I let him wrap me up in a towel and dry me off. He lets me borrow another tee-shirt and I wear it with my skirt from the other day. We have brunch together and then I have to leave. 

I call my mom on the way home. I explain everything on the news, of course leaving out the fact that I was actually there.  The rest of the day I just spent cleaning up my apartment and getting things ready for school, which was starting in three days.


Days went by quickly, and nothing really happened. I spent most of my time with the girls, and a one more night with Jason. My life was finally falling back into place, Jason and I were getting closer, and no one was talking about the murder. Even though I still think about it. About him. And now school was tomorrow.

The girls and I had just gotten back from the store, we had picked up our last few things on the list for our classes. Julia wanted Chinese, so we ordered and picked it up on the way home.

"So, are you ready for Junior year?" Julia smiles at me. I hesitate and really think about my answer. "God, I hope so." we all bust out in laughter. We get back to the apartment building and decide to eat at Stephs. After we get done eating, we all say our goodbyes and head to our own apartments for the night. I got a shower and changed into my pajamas. I laid out my outfit for tomorrow and got under the covers.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. I think about what has happened recently and I start to get anxious. I haven't felt him again but I still think about him being here. The police haven't found anything significant at all, and people are still worried. It was just last week that it happened. But I'm not scared about that.. I'm more scared about my friends. I hate lying to them even though it's over . There wouldn't be any sense in me telling them now that my life was normal.. right? Even if I don't want it to be.

I get up and grab a glass of water. I grab my bottle of melatonin and pop one in my mouth. I lay back down and soon drift into a deep sleep. And oh boy did I need it. Because tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day.


My first class went as well as it could have. I felt nice to have something normal occur. I met up with the girls for sandwiches in the courtyard. After lunch I got ready for my last class of that day. Luckily i only had 2 classes today

I walked to the lecture hall and sat down in a seat. People started rushing in and filling the room. Luckily no one sat down next to me. I was basically the only one who sat alone. Which I didn't mind too much, I'm not a huge people person.

Keep me safe Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя