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(Bold and italics are thought, underlines are Pov. and scene)

TW: Mature content, smut lol.


"Hey! I'll be there in just a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. I got us a table in the back on the right"

"Great I will see you when I get there." I hang up the phone and put it in the passenger seat. The light turns green and I drive through.

I pull up to the restaurant, for some reason I feel uneasy. I don't know what it is but I don't want to go inside. So I lay my head on the steering wheel, trying desperately to breathe normally. After a few minutes I get out fixing my shirt I walk towards the door.

But something stops me. I feel it. It's almost as if... I turn around but no one is there. My heart skips a beat. I look all over the parking lot but I don't see him. Soon the feeling dies down and I sight one last time before pulling the door open and shuffling inside.

I find Jason right where he said he would be. He gets up and pulls out my chair. We both sit down; he looks at me and takes a deep breath.

"Wow. Moe you look beautiful." His soft voice sooths my nerves. I take a deep breath and look into his eyes.

"Thank you..." He knows that I meant it for more than the complement

"You don't have to thank me, I will always be here for you. Don't ever forget that, Okay?"

He smiles at me and reaches for my hand across the table. He slowly brings my hand up to his mouth. He lightly presses his warm lips to my skin. He winks at me and puts my hand back on the table. I start to blush and look away. Even though i know all of his tricks he is still really hot and can find ways to make me flush red. He's being extra sweet tonight, I don't know why, but I like it.

"You're cute when you blush like that." He said while looking at the menu, a smirk appearing on his face. "Shut up." We both laugh and look at our menus.

Dinner was really nice. Jason and I had gone on many dates before but this one just felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn't his usual self there was more. It almost felt like he had something to prove, and it made me want to ask him.

Before I get the chance I feel it again. A shiver runs down my spine and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I felt warm. I look around but ultimately don't find anything. I must be loosing my mind.... Wanting to see him so bad that I feel him here with me. I know he's not.

"Moe? You okay?"
I snap out of my thoughts and look at Jason's who had a worried stare.
"Yeah, sorry just thinking about how full I'm getting" I gifle a little and shake it off. Getting back to my date.

After dinner we go back to Jason's apartment. We cuddle on his couch and watch old horror movies. It didn't take me long to drift off to sleep.

"Well, that was a dumb move, why aren't people smart in these movies?" When I don't  respond he looks down at me "Moe?"

He chuckled slightly and pulled a piece of hair behind my ear. He stared at me for a moment, thinking about nothing in particular and letting his face drop slightly from a smile to nothing. He soon snapped out of his thoughts. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his bed. He got me changed into one of his shirts and pulled the covers over me. I start to wake up at the sound of him closing his closet.

"Hm Jason?" I say in a sleepy voice. He turns quickly and smirks at me. "Well, hi sunshine." he climbs into bed with me and pulls the covers over himself. He lays on his side to face me, and starts to play with my hair.

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