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(Bold is thoughts, underlined is pov.)



I slam on my breaks and come to a complete stop.

My eyes finally adjust to the scene laid out in front of me. I see a man standing only a few feet in front of my car. He is wearing a black suit and tie; his hands are in the air and he is yelling at me to stop.

My eyes are wide and I am left speechless, my mouth hanging open. My heart is beating insanely fast and my hands are gripping the steering wheel.

"Didn't you see the signs?!" He points to a detour, and do not enter sign to my left indicating I needed to turn down that road. His cold tone ripped me back I step out of my car and come up to him

"I am so sorry!! I just got lost in a thought. This road is usually open, I wasn't thinking!"

He looks me up and down and then into my eyes. "What is your name young lady?" His tone is cool and calm, but his eyes are dark and scary. I swear I have seen him before I just can't place it.

"Morgan. Uh Morgan Blake." I extend my hand to him. He looks down coldly. "How old are you miss Blake?" I lower my hand slowly and take a breath. " 21" His eyes are so fixated on me that it feels like I have been put in a straight-jacket and can't move.

He looks me up and down slowly, giving me shivers throughout my entire body. He was silent for a few minutes and I was about to turn and leave when he spoke up again.

"Do you live around here?" I give him a confused look. "Work around here? Go to school close by?"

I start to breathe heavy, until now I haven't looked at my surroundings. I look to my left and I see the sign for 10th avenue. I look back at Damian. "Um I live not too far from here. My Apartment is only 10 minutes down that way. And I go to school at Whitman."

"Hmmm." He shakes his head a little bit making his gaze even colder if that was possible.

"Did you happen to be around her on Monday night?"

I stared at Him, collecting my thoughts. "Monday? You mean when that murder happened?"

He tilted his head and gave a look of annoyance. "Yes. Where were you?" This time he wasn't so polite. He glared waiting for my answer. "I had to work until 9, and then I..." I stopped for a moment remembering that night.

I can feel my heart speed up, and my throat becomes dry. What do I say? I don't wanna say anything... but what if he knows. Just say something.

"You what miss Blake?"

"Hmm? Oh right sorry i went straight to a dinner party with some friends"

"A dinner party?" He clicked his tongue "Yes sir." He observed me for a long time and finally spoke again "Alright Miss Blake. Next time pay attention to the road and not your head." He snarled and turned and dismissed me

I got back in my car and took a deep breath. I backed up and turned down the left road, and peered into my rearview mirror to see Damian facing my car. He watched me drive away. Something about him gives me the creeps The way he talks and acts is just off. And I don't know why.

Damian's pov

Her eyes tell me one thing and her lips are telling me another. Her heart rate is elevated slightly but why? What are you hiding miss Blake?  she is super antsy twiddling her fingers and avoiding my eyes.

"Yes. Where were you?"

"I had to work until 9, and then I..."

She pauses. Her face blank lost in thought. She's remembering something. Something she doesn't want to tell me.

"You what miss Blake?"

"Hmm? Oh right sorry i went straight to a dinner party with some friends"

"A dinner party?" I clicked my tongue at her. She is lying.

"Yes sir." she looks in my eyes shyly. I can tell she is trying to stay calm. I don't know what she is hiding but Whatever it is She's not going to tell me

"Alright Miss Blake. Next time pay attention to the road and not your head."

I turn away from her. She shyly walks back to her car. She Takes a deep breath. And starts to back up and I watch her drive away. I pull out my phone and call my team

"Wren. Find anything and everything you can on a Morgan Blake." I know your hiding something Blake. The question is what is it and why is it worth lying about?

"Damian, we found something over here." I walk into the alley to where a member of my team stands.

"What is it?"

"Not sure. But I highly doubt it belongs to any of our victims."

I put on a glove and pick up the small gold item. I turn it over to see it is a cufflink, engraved with a small serpent head.

"Call Dallas I want everything you can find on this symbol here."

"On it."

Snakes huh? What the hell have I gotten my team into?

"Sir the team found something with the cameras they want us to meet back at the station." "Let's go." Looks like this puzzle just got a lot more pieces

We get back to the station and my team gathers. "I want to know everything you got."

Wren speaks up "Okay first thing, I looked into the security footage like you asked. And it's the weirdest thing. Nothing happens. You see the men having a good time, but you never see them interact with anyone at all really. I thought that the tapes wouldn't tell us anything... Until I found this glitch."

Wren pulls up the security footage and explains what we all see. "Okay so everything looks normal but if you pay attention to the time stamp it has a slight glitch. The cameras were hacked into, this video is from another day. It skips to that point in another video." We watch as the scene flawlessly changes. It is barely noticeable. "How did this happen?" He turns to me. "Okay that's the thing that is the most insane. Because of how new this system is They would have had to do the switch manually at the exact time it needed to be switched." These people are good... too good.

"What did you find on the girl so far?" he switches the screen to a picture of her. "At first, I didn't find much on the girl, she's 21, lived in Washington her whole life. Goes to college at Whitman university. Rents an apartment on river road. Nothing really stuck out as odd. So, I decided to start digging into the family as well rather than just the girl and that's when I noticed some interesting things."

I raised an eyebrow. "How interesting?" "$27,000 interesting." My eyes widen, Grace almost screams "27,000 DOLLARS?"

Wren just smiles and says "And that's not all."

"What was the money used for."

"That's just it, no one knows. The money just disappeared. And get this too, this happened 2 years ago. And during this time someone took a leave of absence from school. Would you like to take a guess on who?"

He didn't need to ask I knew it was her "Morgan." "And Bingo was his name." I knew you were hiding something Blake... "I want you to keep digging find out exactly where that girl was and why. Grace, I want you to dig into the family financials 27,000 doesn't just disappear. I want to know what it was used for." At this moment Dallas comes into the room. "Damian you will want to see this." 


I hope you all are enjoying the story. I know this wasn't a long chapter but now you have met Damian, Who is a key part to the story. Anyways I hope you have a great day :)

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