Chapter 2

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In heaven they have a system that lets them know of the sacred gear but when Michael went to check on Ddraig's prison witch was a dragon symbol carved into a stone was gone.

"Dear god." Michael quickly went and found his sister.

"Gabriella, where is Ddraig's cursed marking?" Michael asked and Gabriela looked at his seal and saw it was gone.

"Dear god its as we feared........The Crimson dragon of domination has broken out of his prison." Gabriela said as her stomach sank.

"Notify Azazel and the 4 Satan's." Michael told his sister who nodded her head and left quickly.

With Issei and Ddraig

Issei had spent time with Ddraig learning how to use his powers and to take his ability's to the next level. After awakening his power his looks changed, Ddraig explained the supernatural world to Issei and told them they would come for him to work for them. Issei said HELL NO and was not gonna be anyones slave.

"You are doing great Issei. At this rate you will be in the top 5 strongest beings in the universe by 18." Ddraig's told Issei who smiled.

"One day I will surpass you." Issei said and Ddraig smirked.

"They don't call me the strongest for no reason." Ddraig told Issei who smirked as well. "Now let's get back to you leaning how to use my crimson hell fire." Ddraig told  issei who nodded his head.

With the 4 Satans 

"I have called this meeting to go over a file I just received from Gabriella." Sirzechs explains and the other 3 Satans nodded. Sirzechs opens the file. "Ok the letter that she has sent me explains that d-." Sirzechs stoped and went pale Grayfia who was standing next to him dropped a glass on the ground.

"What is it Sirzech." Ajuka asked and Sirzechs spoke up.

"Ddraig have broken out of his prisons." Sirzechs said and they all went wide eyed.

"N-no that's not possible, he was locked away by gods strongest seals before he was killed." Searfall explained but still was scared.

"This is bad, if he is out it's only a matter of time before he makes his awakening known to the hole supernatural world." Sirzechs explained worried.

"What do you wish to do Sirzechs." Ajuka asked and Sirzechs thought.

"When he makes his return we will give him the up most respect and pray he dose not come from us." Sirzechs said and they all nodded.

With Azazel

"A file from Gabriela, this should be interesting have not heard from her in a long time." Opening the file Azazel dropped his glass as he felt his heart sink reading that Ddraig's has escaped Heaven. "Dear god I don't believe this would happen after all the seals god used." Azazel explained as his worry only got worse as time would go on same for the rest of the supernatural world.

BOOOM chapter done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD17 OUTTTT

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