Chapter 7

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Ima skip over the training part

It was the night before the battle. Over the last 10 days Issei and Ophis have pushed them to be as strong as possible. Rias also got a new bishop Asia, Overtime the girls started to develop feeling for Issei. They moved in with him on the 7th day and Ophis allowed it. Rias was currently resting on the balcony watching the beautiful moon glow in the night.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Rias turned around and saw Issei leaning against a pillar and she smiled and looked back.

"Yes I always loved watching the moon glow in the night. It reminds me of when I was younger and would watch over the underworlds moon." Rias told Issei who cocked a eyebrow.

"I wonder what the underworld looks like." Issei told himself and Ddraig's spoke up.

"It's actually beautiful." Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head.

"Issei." Rias called to the Crimson dragon who looked at her. "I'm scared." She told him and he felt the fear. "What if I don't win? What if I am not strong enough? What I-." Rias stopped when Issei walked over and hugged her.

"Your scaring yourself Rias, you need to have hope this will all play out." Issei told her and she felt warm and safe in Issei arms.

"I just don't wanna be stuck as a trophy to Riser, he sees me as Rias Gremory, not a normal person." Rias told Issei who listened. "I wanna be know as a person who wants to fall in love grow up have kids become the best version of me." Rias explained and Issei smiled.

"I will always see you as Rias, not the heir to the Gremory clan." Issei told her and she smiled at him.

"Thank you Issei, for everything you have done for me and the others." She told Issei and he smirked.

"Ahhhh don't sweat it, we should head to bed now you got a big day tomorrow." Issei told Rias as she nodded her head and they went to his room to see the girls asleep so he and her got into bed and the rest got comfy.

In the underworld

Issei and the girls where at the arena waiting for the battle to start, Issei told Ophis to stay back sense he could potentially have you enter the fight.

"Are you ready Issei. If you have to fight the supernatural word will know the crimson dragon has been reborn?" Ddraig asked Issei who nodded his head.

"I hope I don't have to but if it comes down to that I will have no choice." Issei was not afraid of anyone who would come for him. He was concerned for the girls and there safety, he didn't wanna be the reason they got hurt.

"Issei." Turning his head he saw Rias who looked nervous.

"What's up Rias?" Issei asked and she blushed.

"C-could you hold my hand?" She asked and Issei smiled and did as he was asked.

"Awww how cute." Kiba teased and Akeno smirked.

"Would the 2 contending teams please make it to the battle arena." Grayfia voice rang out as Rias took a deep breath.

"Alright guys give this one everything you got and we will win." Rias said and they nodded. Soon they walked together and vanished onto the battle arena witch was the school.

"Hopefully you can pull this off Rias." Issei prayed to himself.

The battle

The battle was underway. The 2 teams where both in good condition. Riser has lost 3 pawns and 1 rook. Rias has not lost a pice yet. Risers main plan was just full force but Rias was using a good strategy. Issei leaned on a pillar and watched as Rias family watched the battle but kept looking to issei.

"That boy is the one Rias talked about." Sirzechs told his Parents who looked over at Issei.

"Yes she says he is unique." Rias's mother told her son who was curious cause none of them could get a aura signature on the kid.

Back to the battle

"Your doing well my love but your outcome will be as it was set." Riser told her as it was now her and Akeno vs him and his queen.

"I will never give up and get put off to a man like you." Rias told Riser who smirked.

"You won't have a choice." Riser shot a ball of fire at Rias who used her power of destruction to cancel out the attack. Akeno used her Lighting on Riser but his queen came up behind Rias in a shock attack so she quickly flew in the way as a bomb attack went off.

"Rias Gremorys queen has been eliminated." Rias eyes widened when she saw Akeno taken out of the game. Issei watched with sharp eyes.

"It's just you my love please give up and we can talk about this at the wedding." Riser told Rias who was tired and now down to take on 2 strong devils alone.

"N-never." Rias got up but her body went weak and her vision got blurry until she fell down.

"Check mate." Riser said smirking as Rias was taken out.

"Rias Gremory has been eliminated, match goes to Riser Phoenix." Grayfia told the crowd as many cheered for the win.

"No this was not supposed to happen." Issei thought we a enraged face.

"We should get ready for the wedding." Ddraig told Issei who slammed his fist into the wall sending cracks threw it as he vanished.

"This is unfortunate." Sirzechs thought till he saw where Issei was and saw a trashed wall. "Who are you Issei?" Sirzechs asked but none the less everyone got ready for the wedding.

Boom chapter done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD17 OUTTT

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