Story Time [6]

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The povs will change a lot so, hope you don't mind.

(3rd person view)

As Izuku's bucket hat got blown away, Aizawa and the three stared at each other, until Toga panicked and grab Izuku's wrist and ran away while Dabi try to hold Aizawa back.

"Quick, this way!" Toga yelled, pulling her little brother to a big mall as Aizawa followed close by, dragging Dabi with him with his scarf.

Toga went in a clothes shop where there's a lot of people because there's a 50% off discount apparently and soon lost sight of Aizawa and Dabi.

(Aizawa's pov)

I lost sight of Izuku and Toga as they ran in a clothes shop. I sigh and look at Dabi.


"Do you have a tracking device on them or something?" I asked.

"Nope." Dabi said calmly.

I sigh and took a step in the store and start looking for them. "What a pain in the ass." I grumble.

(Izuku's pov)

Toga stopped dragging me as I breathe heavily for air. "Toga, we got to go back for Dabi!" I said while gasping for air.

"I know but how??"

"You know you could just turn into a normal citizen and walk pass Aizawa and free Dabi!" I said boldly. Toga looked at me weirdly before thinking about my plan again.

"I'll do it."

(Aizawa's pov)
(One hour later btw)

It's been an hour and there's no sight of Toga and Izu, so I decided to head back and interrogating Dabi.

As I drag him, I realized it became easier to pull him and looked back to see no Dabi, but a teddy bear tied to my scarf.

It looks like someone rip off my scarf to free Dabi and escape.. sigh, I guess more work for me.

I walk around the mall and spotted a familiar green bush-like hair. It was Izuku. He turned around and our eyes met, they then start to run.

(Izuku's pov)

After we rescue Dabi, we tried to find the exit of the mall. Suddenly, I felt like someone was starring at me so I turned around and see none other than Aizawa himself.

I quickly warn my sibling like villains and we run. I got tired after a minute of running. 'Ah, I forgot I have a quirk canceling collar and was human form to blend in the crowd.' I thought to myself.

I pulled onto Dabi's shirt tightly, he seems to understand the signal and carry me on his back. I then fall asleep soon after.

I woke up a few hours later, but I'm not in the hideout. I was in a white room with a mirror like window in front of me. Of course I still got my collar on but my arms are cuffed with quirk canceling too now.

I looked to my left and right to find Dabi and Toga. They are wide awake and they soon notice me.

"Izu, are you ok?!"

"Chill he's not dead don't be dramatic!"

"I'm fine but where are we?"

"We've been caught can't you tell?"

Just then Aizawa and someone I don't recognize came in. "Alright so, let's start." Said Mr Aizawa.

(3rd person view)

"Alright, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. Izuku Midoriya, age 14(?). 3 quirks: Pentagram, Zombie Puppeteer and Strom Form. Kill count: 10-20, Yes?" The man who now known as Naomasa Tsukauchi asked. Izuku nod sheepishly.

"Ok. Dabi real name unknown, age 24. Quirk: Cremation. Kill count: over 50." Dabi rolled his eyes, not wanting to answer.

"Right.. Toga Himiko, age 17. Quirk: Transform. Kill count: 39."

"That's me!"

"Ok so. Mind explaining why you became villains?.." Tsukauchi asked. The room went silent, and eventually Izuku spoke.

"I.. just want a normal life like everyone else. Being a hero and such. *yawn~* But turns out I can't" he said sheepishly.

'true' Tsukauchi thought to himself. "Mind telling me why, Midoriya?" "Just call me Izuku.." "right.. Izuku."

"And to your question, there's a lot of people thinks that if you have a hero's quirk then you can be a hero, if you have a villain's quirk then you'll be mark as villains and if your quirkless your useless.


So, I decided to prove that their wrong by only using Storm Form and hide my other two. Storm Form is a quirk but it's not a quirk. It's just turning my body into clouds and other's think it's a villains quirk..."

"And what happened?"

"I got bullied and been told to die. That is reality. Mom died when I'm Ten, I survive cause I learn to take care of myself overtime.. and-"

Just then a faint snore can be heard through the detective's ears, Izuku fell asleep before even finish his story.

"So, What are you gonna do with them,


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