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chapter thirty-four !
(takes place during 2x12 'Silly Love Songs')

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧chapter thirty-four !(takes place during 2x12 'Silly Love Songs')*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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MAYBE LUNA WAS BITTER, but she truly hated Valentine's Day. 

Her bitterness could be down to the fact that her first ever relationship only lasted a few months (forever in our thoughts, Matt), and then the guy she genuinely found herself falling ended up moving across the country and now they aren't speaking to one another. Sure, it could be that.

Or, it could be the unrelenting PDA she has to witness everyday at school. It seemed as though everyone's horniness level elevated whenever February 14th neared. The amount of people making out Luna had to witness as she made her way to class during this week should be illegal. The Moretti girl had contemplated violence multiple times, but refrained from actually punching anyone. Cleo would be so proud of her.

Oh, and don't even get her started on the cheesy love-heart decorations she had to see wherever she went. Even the halls of Mckinley High were adorned with tacky, red heart-shaped banners. Luna couldn't seem to escape the cursed holiday.

And, on top of all of that, Luna also had to deal with Quinn and Finn, and their whole predicament.

Ever since she had witnessed their kiss, Luna hadn't really known what to do whenever she was around them, so she ended up choosing to avoid the two of them entirely. This proved to be somewhat difficult, however, seeing as she literally lived with Quinn. The Moretti girl also had a hard time acting normal around Sam, too. She could barely look him in the eye without feeling guilty.

Finn's annoyingly smug attitude that he had suddenly adopted ever since kissing Quinn hadn't gone unnoticed by Luna either. It was honestly starting to really grind her gears. Though Luna managed to hold her tongue over everything, knowing that if she didn't, even more drama would start up. Which was the last thing everyone needed right now.

You know what Luna did need right now though? Hot Chocolate.

The weather in Lima was still pretty chilly. Though it was nearing springtime, there was still a coldness that enveloped the small town. Today was especially cold, Luna had noticed as soon as she'd left the house that morning. Which is why she had jumped at the opportunity to grab something from the Lima Bean with Kurt and Blaine before school.

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