Sunflower Writing Circle

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Hi everyone! We're posting this special little chapter today to remind you about the Sunflower Writing Circle, another one of our book clubs!

The format is the same (two chapters every week), but it does require more critical skill. So you will both give and receive very detailed feedback. It's a smaller book club, which means you will get to know your fellow members well, get far in each other's books, and hopefully develop some bonds! 

So it's less about breadth of feedback and more about detail of feedback, as you'll probably only have around three to five people reading your book total, delving deep into each other's books.

If you're interested, check out the book here:

(Since it requires more skill, the trial is harder. But I can recommend you to the manager if I feel you give strong feedback.)

Thank you and stay safe,

Cassie :)

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