Bloom 75: Sep 4th - Sep 10th

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Hi everyone! Kindly read all the announcements carefully.

We're back and running again, and if you have read the announcement posted last week, you know there are a few changes happening in the book club. The members of the Sunflower Writing Circle have joined this club as the "Advanced Sunflowers" and the original members of the Sunflower Book Club are staying on as the "Standard Sunflowers". To know and understand more about this, we recommend you read/reread the chapters titled "How It Works" and "Comments", which have been updated with the new rules.

With new members come new responsibilities. We have a comment checker position open, and we firmly believe it's a role that'd be better fulfilled by pre-existing members of the club who are well-versed in the rules and comment requirements of the club. If you're interested, please PM the SunflowerCommunity account.

Note to the Advanced Sunflowers: The deadline for every weekly bloom is Saturday, 3:00 PM ET and the next bloom is posted usually on Sunday, around 4:00 or 5:00 PM ET. Please remember that if you don't have enough time to do your assignment, you can always ask for an extension. We will not be giving the usual 24 hour reminders, so please keep track of when assignments are due.

The September BotM has been posted and if you were a member in Bloom 74 (including members with hiatuses, strikes, and extensions, everyone EXCEPT seedlings), you have to read 2 chapters for the September BotM by 30th of September, 2022. You have the whole month but it's always better to finish it as soon as you have the time. Advanced Sunflowers are expected to read the September BotM. Kindly go through the "How it Works" and "Comments" chapters for the rules pertaining to BotM. Please remember that if you don't have enough time to do the BotM, you can ask for a 2-day extension.

Starting from the next bloom, we'll have something called a Bloom Bonus, a Sunflower Writing Circle tradition. Every week, we will provide you with a question or a prompt that you can use to leave better feedback on your partner's book. However, it's not mandatory for every member to do the Bloom Bonus. More on this will be explained in the next bloom.



If you're having trouble understanding some of our terminologies, you can visit the "Glossary" chapter of this book.

PM us with any questions.


🌻 Permanent Pairings 🌻

Like your partner's story or the feedback they gave you? Why not become permanent pairs? You can grow as readers and writers together and share feedback each bloom. When it's time for the bloom each week, you can be paired with this same person. To do this, ask them if they are interested. If they are, PM the SunflowerCommunity account and let us know you're both interested.

Permanent Pairings admin: _aurawrawr_

Pairing #1

dilenu - The Refuge

Delawarelover679 - Passionate Short Stories

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