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The two boys didn't talk. They didn't discuss what they wanted the topic of their essay to be. They sat, completing silent, facing away from each other.

Every other student talked hapily to their partner, about and not about the essay. Many conversations drifted off into what Rebecaa did last weekend or how a blonde football player had a great butt. Yeah, that is what a group of girls that sat behind Harry and Louis chose to talk about, instead of the work assigned.

After 5 full minutes, the teacher took notice to their silence and hushed the class.

"Styles. Louis. What is you guys' essay going to be over?" she asks with an attitude, because she knows they haven't been talking

Both Harry and Louis open their mouths at the exact same time...then shut them...

"Exactly. You're writing about love and hate, and the difference between two people, and equality. Write that down."

"She assigned a topic! This is your fault" Harry growls

"My fault?!" Louis roars

"Yeah! If you weren't so damn stubborn, we could've chosen something better! Like, I don't know, Alexander Hamilton!" 

"Hamilton? There is already a musical about it! Why would we do an essay? We could've done something over poetry!"

"That's such a middle school thing to write about!" Harry barked

"You're acting like a middle schooler!" Louis scoffed

"You're the height of a middle schooler" Harry said... and he smiled when he seen flames of pure anger flicker through the other boys' dashing blue eyes

"Gonna scream? Like a little kid?" Harry teased

"I never did shit to you, Styles. So, take your George Washington Wig curls and fuck right off!"

Harry shut up immediately

Harry hates when people bring up his curls..

and Louis hates when people talk about his height.

Because Harry's hair is messy and all over the place.
And Louis is short.

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