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The frist thing Niall thought was oh

The second, was that he totally ditched Harry this morning. They always ride the bus together.

Third, he hadn't recieved a text or call from the curly lad

And fourth, he couldn't give his number to Jordan without asking permission.

"Erm-" Niall started, trying to be cautious. "Harry can be, uh, a very closed off person. I don't want to just give his number, so, I'll see if it's okay with him first. Or, maybe, you can just ask him yourself?"

"Yeah, okay. I completely understand that. I should just ask him. Thanks, Niall." Jordan nodded understandingly as he spoke

Niall just nodded and glanced at the teacher. He wasn't looking so Niall got his phone out and clicked on his friend Harry's contact to send him a message.

Niall sent {hey, H! So sorry I didn't take bus this morning- Got a ride with a friend! See you at lunch! I brought poptarts:) }

And Harry responded with {Didn't feel well, didn't come to school.}

Niall frowned at his phone now. {Are you sick? Fever? Headache? Stomach? Do you need me to bring you anything?}

Harry had sighed at his screen and set down his journal that he'd been writing in. {Just didn't sleep well so I'm tired. I'm all good, promise! Tell the guys hi for me at lunch.}

{Get lots of rest. Drink water. Don't forget to eat. I'll tell them you said hello. Love you, mate} Niall typed back

{Will do. Will do. Won't forget. Thanks. Love you too, bro} Harry sent his message then tossed his phone back down to return his attention back to his journal.

Really, it was a diary.. but he kinda wanted to be tough, even at home, so he called it a journal.

* * *

"Louis, are you okay?" Aiden asked cautiously

Louis didn't even hear him. He was staring at his freshly sharpened pencil, wondering what the pointy lead looked like under a microscope. 

"Louis?" Aiden asked again

The blue eyed boy slowly turned the writing utensil in his fingers and sighed distractedly.

Zayn reached over and tapped hard on Louis' desk, gaining his attention. Louis snapped his head over at Zayn, confused and shocked, and Zayn just pointed with a pen in his hand towards Aiden.

Lou turned a little and finally noticed the concerned boy behind him.

"Sorry, did you need something?" Louis asked politely

"Yeah, just- I'm starting on the left ear and.. Was jut wondering if you'd turn this way for a couple minutes?" he stuttered softly

"Oh, sure" Louis nodded and turned his seat around.

Louis was still incredibly distracted. He had a math paper due soon and he was thinking about how that wasn't exactly his strongest class. Nope, his strongest class was definitely English. 

He'd always loved literature, poetry, reading, novels, biographies and autobiographies. Even when he was little, he was a top reader in his class. He and his mum used to go to the local library for story times in the afternoons. Most kids napped while the librarian read, but Louis listened intently and even read with the kind, short haired, glasses-wearing librarian.

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now