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Harry walked into English and Louis looked up with a soft smile on his lips. Harry took the seat next to the blue-eyed boy and greeted him with a polite "Goodmorning"

"Morning, Harry" Louis replied calmly

The entire class was shocked. Everyone had stopped their conversations to listen to the polite hello shared between the two, normally cat-fighting, boys.

"Got your laptop ready?" Louis asks as he sets his chin in his hand

"Yep. I hope you don't mind, I changed the font of the essay." Harry answers as he takes his laptop from his bag

"Don't mind at all, I was actually gonna ask to do that today" Louis smiles a little wider

Yeah, they were both feeling pretty weird about thus... it was all very different... but they just weren't going to bring it up.

About halfway through class, Harry and Louis had the teacher check their work. It was perfect. They wrote about the feeling of love, the bittersweet side and the pure joy side. They wrote about equality- how it is needed and how people are just people and need to be treated all the with kindness. And hate. They wrote about hate. and jealousy. and how the terrible feeling can take over someone's mind and make them do and says things they regret.  

Yeah, maybe it was a little based off of their weird sort of growing friendship... but no one talks about that.

When the class was over, the two parted with a wave and a small smile.

Harry didn't want to go to his next hour, so he slipped into the bathroom and sat himself on the sink. 

Louis walked into art and immediately, his name was called by Aiden. 

"Yeah, what's up?" 

"I decided I only want to color your eyes, since they're such a vibrant blue. I need to get the right color" Aiden spoke fast. 

That's something Louis decided he didn't really like about him.

"Sure. Hold on, just a minute, Aiden" Louis dismissed him gently and stepped over to Zayn's desk

"Hey, Z" Louis greeted him

Zayn looked up and grinned.

"Seems to me like you've got an admirer" Zayn muttered and pointed back at Aiden, who was touching up on the eyebrows of his drawing- of Louis

"He doesn't like me, he's just...nice" Louis sighed, "Anyways, how's Niall and you?"

"We're good. So good. He's amazing, really." Zayn grins

Louis sits down next to him and leans on his shoulder.

"I'm really happy for you, but he better get used to me laying on you"

"He won't care. He cuddles Harry." Zayn shrugs

"He cuddles Harry? Like, Styles?" Louis frowned in confusion

"They're best mates, Louis. Like us."

"Yeah, but... Harry cuddles?" Louis asks again

"Yes. Most people do."

Louis contemplates that for a moment. He's seen two sides of Harry Styles. He's seen the soft side- with the pastel room, sweater, and brownies that his mum made. And he's seen the tough, smart-ass, 'better than everyone' side.

A minute or so passes and Zayn nudges Louis off his shoulder.

"Don't forget Aiden" he mutters with a sly grin

Louis pushes his feet off the desk, making the chair he's in roll fast towards Aiden's seat. Aiden giggles as Louis childishly glides over.

"Sorry, what'd you need? My eye color?" Louis says

"Yeah" Aiden smiles, "So, how was your day so far?"

"I mean, it's fine."

"Better now that you're in here though, right? This class always betters my day"

"Yeah, I guess so." Louis nods

"Anyways, so I was thinking this color, mixed with this shade?" Aiden asks as he holds up to oil paints

"Those will work"

"You sure?" Aiden asked, seeming skeptical of the two colors

Zayn slides over, seeming kind of angry, and he looks at the colors. 

"Needs to be lighter. That will make a dark color. Use teal, not that blue" he mutters then grabs the bottom of Louis' chair and pushes it back, so Louis glides over to his own desk.

"You've got a project to work on, Louis." Zayn scolds him

"Yeah, yeah" Louis mutters and looks up at his picture

It's Harry. Deep down, he knows that.. but he isn't accepting it. So, he continues to shape out the head with a nice jawline, slightly turned to the side, showing one ear that will have a few pieces of hair falling over it.

* * * 

"Hey, tomorrow is the party!" Niall exclaimed excitedly in the hallway

Zayn had lifted the boy off his feet in a big hug and Louis was watching happily from next to them.

"You two are like the school power couple, I swear" Louis giggled

"Thanks, Louis! Hey, you'll come to the party, right? You've gotta be there!" Niall spoke fast. Louis didn't mind it though. He liked Niall's enthusiasm

"Yeah, I'll be there. I kinda promised Styles that I would" Louis smiled a little to himself but covered it with a cough and a wipe with the back of his hand to his cheek

"Oh, good! Speaking of-" Niall let go of Zayn and checked his phone

"Harry texted- he's in the bathroom, skipping classes. Wanna join him?" Niall asked the two next to him

"Can't, babe. Got a music test." Zayn sighed

"Oh, right. Shit. And I've got study group." Niall groaned

"I.. I've just got a free period so... I could go with him?" Louis offered hesitantly

"Perfect" Zayn grinned as he hugged Louis from the side

"Tell him we said hi and we're all sitting together at lunch! Oh! And I've got his favorite cake" Niall hugs Louis' other side

"Okay, I'll tell him. See you guys at lunch"

"See you!" Niall and Zayn called back in unision

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