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They went to a cute little diner for brunch and sat around a big circle booth. They ordered a lot of food. Niall had two plates, Zayn had one big meal, and Louis ordered 5 different things since him and Harry couldn't choose just one thing.

Everyone passed their plates and shared food- and their table was the loudest in the restaurant because they couldn't stop joking and laughing.

And, eventually, they were kicked out because..

"Niall, hey, look" Louis said and Niall turned his face towards Louis, to see what the boy needed.. and Louis smacked him in the face with a pancake.

And that started a food fight

Pancakes were slung across the table, syrup was poured everywhere, eggs were flung and sausages were thrown.

The four walked out into the parking lot and took a second to breathe and look at each other.. and then they burst out laughing.

They were all covered in breakfast foods, and Zayn's hair was sprung everywhere and sticky with syrup.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" they heard from behind them in a familiar voice

"Liam!" Niall cheered

"Hey, lads" Liam grinned 

He didn't hug any of them.. because.. gross. 

"A tornado break loose in the diner?" he joked

"A food fight, yeah. Louis started it" Harry answered

He was actually having a lot of fun, and he'd almost forgotten about the bandage on his wrist

He was smiling, laughing, and overall, really happy

Louis took notice to that. He was watching Harry at every chance he got. He loved seeing the boy smile, especially after seeing him crying and broken and sitting in bed all day. 

"You going in to eat?" Zayn asked Liam

"Nah, just coming to pick up me girlfriend, Layla. She's working here."

"Oh, she was our waitress! She had to ask us to leave, though she found us incredibly funny" Niall grinned

"Well, she'll be out any second. You guys wanna come 'round mine and hang out? After getting cleaned up, hopefully.."

Niall and Zayn looked at Harry, awaiting an answer

"Yeah, let's do it" Harry smiled surely and nodded

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now