What can I do?

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>Elayne (Sorin)

So, here I am, at my 'father's', the former king of the empire, Cedric Maximillain's funeral.

I look up at my side and see Leonidas standing on the other side of the casket. We both stood at either side of the black royal casket in which the former king was resting and we stood on a slightly elevated stage with about two steps that led up to it where the people from noble families were coming to mourn for the king. A flower was placed in his open casket from each noble family.

I stood there quietly, with a red royal cloak around me that had white fur around its corners. I remember reading it, this was how Sorin dressed. She traveled everywhere with the fear that someone might notice her feminine body and so she kept a cloak around her always.
People secretly made fun of her because of this. It aroused more suspicion than secrecy.

I glanced at Leonidas again.

Indeed he looked like the main character. He should be around seventeen here, yet he has a tall frame with a nice sturdy build. Golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. A male lead indeed. And just like the male lead that didn't get along with his brother because the older brother abused him, Leonidas had a cold expression on his face. He didn't bother looking at me at all and quietly stood in his place as he greeted the mourners.

It's pretty obvious he's the favored one here. Every single person coming to the stage to put their flower is going to greet Leonidas but no one came to me. Out of formal courtesy, they would just look at me and nod and I just nodded back.

The people here would have made him the next king if they could, but the law of the country states that the throne cannot be succeeded before eighteen years of age unless he's the last remaining royalty alive.

I wonder if Sorin could have lived if Leonidas was the one who succeeded the throne. I know that she definitely did not have the wish to be king.
Why else would she kill herself?

I know Sorin was afraid, she had hid her identity her whole life and if anyone found that out and exposed her, that means death. Because it also meant deceiving the empire. This is why even the king didn't know about Sorin's secret even though he did suspect something but that was not all.

Sorin kept her mouth shut, also because she was not Cedric's child and she was not related to the former king or Leonidas. Her mother, Olivia had cheated on the king and conceived her. It was something Sorin realized on her own because of a certain incident.

Sorin had a lot of secrets. And while trying to hide them all, she became a monster. A monster she didn't want to be, but her fears were eating her away. There isn't a single servant in the palace she hasn't taken her anger out on and she faced the karma for that.

I stood there by the casket alone, I looked at the people who were looking at me coldly. I will be crowned king tomorrow and I can see that no one is happy because of that.

This is one of the reasons why I hated this novel.

Sorin was such an outcast when she was crowned king yet no one opposed her coronation. I mean if everyone hated her, why not get a meeting going and dethrone her? Well, I guess according to the law they either had to make sure Sorin was dead but that meant killing her. I guess the people weren't cruel enough to just kill Sorin, well not all of them and so my guess here is that they all are waiting for Leonidas to turn seventeen. Although in the original novel, the wait isn't peaceful.

I know there are a bunch of them here, who want Sorin's death too. No one trusts her and there have been a number of attempts to finish her off. Discrete ones but unfortunately Sorin is still here. Well, at least in flesh.

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