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>>Elayne (Sorin)

The weight of the golden crown was setting in on my head while I stood on the ceremonial balcony of the palace. A set up was made in the courtyard for the nobles to witness the coronation while the common folks stood outside the far off gate at the end of the long and huge courtyard.

When the crown was set on my head there was a roar of cheering from the common folks, from the people who knew nothing about me but bare rumors. It didn’t matter to them who their king was, they were just happy that they still had one.

I looked closer down at the nobles who simply clapped for me with professional smiles on their faces. They were all staring at me waiting for me to speak. I could see none of them were here out of happiness just out of necessity.

I glanced at Leroy who stood to my left, a step back from me, “Do I have to speak?’ I whispered and he looked at me in shock.

“We practiced this,” He said and I felt my knees almost give in as a nauseating feeling came to me.

We practiced it?
Oh God!
You mean, you did with the real Sorin!

I nervously looked ahead again and took a few steps towards the edge of the balcony.

“Turn your magic on,” Leroy said from behind.

My magic?
I have magic?
For what?

I looked back at him, “You do it,” I said and he was baffled at my words. I looked at the people again and then felt something in front of my mouth. A cooler feeling, like there was a shift in a small part near my mouth and I noticed something misty with a purple color.

Is this magic? Oh thank God I have Leroy! He is beyond astonished at my actions yet he’s helping my sorry ass out.

I gulped and decided I had to speak. The crowd had quieted down now and so many eyes were on me. It was making me anxious, it almost felt like I couldn’t breathe, “Becoming a king,” I started speaking words without thinking, “May seem like a remarkable feat but it is also a responsibility,” My voice was booming, probably because of the magic, “Today, I have been given the responsibility of a king,” What am I saying? These words seem familiar, “And though I might not be worthy, I will still do the best in my power for my people.”
This is the speech Leonidas is supposed to give when he unites his people and becomes king.

“I will become a king, the whole nation can be proud of!”

There was silence from the side of nobles, looking at them, it looked like they were shocked or something but the common folk were joyous. They cheered so loudly that the voice came to me clearly.

It made me feel better and it made me want to disappear within those innocent souls


I looked down in shame.
These people are all going to die soon. When the demons come to take revenge, they’re going to kill any human that comes in their path and well, many of them cross their paths. The streets are going to get dyed in blood and the screams of horror and pain will make the deaf want to lose their sight and the blind to lose their hearing.

I gulped.

Right, the demon lord is being held here in the dungeon. Cedric took great joy in this. He believed he had done something remarkable capturing the young demon lord and keeping him hidden in the palace dungeons.

It’s not going to be long before the other demons find where their king is and the moment they do it’s going to be hell.

I started feeling queasy again. My chest was tight and I glanced at Leroy in pain.
He stepped forward, “What’s wrong?”

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