My son

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"Your highness!!" A fox attendant came running to me, "My Lord! I've been looking all over for you!"

"What is it?" We came to a stop as we got closer.

"The boy keeps crying!" He was panicking, "I think he's getting another fever."


"What?" I started walking faster towards the room the kid was in, "Get the doctor and the medicine now!"

"Yes my lord!" He changed course and went the other way while I entered the room in which Rion was in.

I heard him crying as soon as I got closer to the room. I gave him three nannies but when I entered the room, all three of the sheep demons were trying their best to get him to calm down but he just kept throwing a tantrum on the bed.

"Why is he crying?" I asked as I got closer.

"My lord!" The three of them looked at me in despair, "We don't know!" They all seemed rather distubrbed.

"Maybe he wants his mother," Kim sighed, "He is just a baby after all."

I sighed.

I know that well. I shouldn't have lied to Sorin either but I was just angry... To take a child away from one's mother is too cruel.

I would know, the humans took mine away from me too...

"He might be hungry." I said as I walked over to them.

"No," Sim answered, "He won't drink either. We tried giving him some milk but he threw the bottle away."

I looked at the boy, his limbs were flailing continuously and tears kept coming out of his eyes. The sight made me feel more guilty and I came to a stop next to the bed. I looked at the triplets, wondering what to say to them when I noticed something.

It was when I stood next to the bed, suddenly the sound of crying stopped. We all looked down at the baby and saw him looking at me with his big round eyes. He had stopped crying out of the blue and with his thumb in his mouth, he now stared at me with all his attention. And to be very honest, he looked adorable.

"OH!" Sim exclaimed, "He recognized you!"

"Yes!" Kim let out a breath of relief, "He wouldn't even calm down when we picked him up."

"But one look at you and he's calm." Rim clasped her hands together and three of them looked at me, "Pick him up my Lord."

"Me?" I looked at all of them feeling a little baffled, "I don't know how to pick a baby..." I looked down at the baby boy again who was calmly staring at me and all of the sudden he extended his arms out in the air towards me.

"Ah!" He exclaimed, making me even more confused. I don't understand baby language but somehow I get that he wants me to pick him up. His action made me flinch but the triplets squealed.

"See!" They were excited, "He knows you're his father!" Kim said.

"Pick him up my lord!" Rim exclaimed, "I think he only wants his family." She looked at me with so much softness in her eyes it made me feel a little burneded.

I shook my head, "He'll start crying once I try."

"My Lord!!" Sim got upset, "How would you know if you won't even do it?" Kim and Rim agreed but I only shook my head again.

Furious at my reaction, they three took the initiative. Rim picked Rion in her arms while Sim and Kim forced me to position my arms for the baby.

Their actions left me confused and I involuntarily complied with them. It was actually quite nerve wracking for me but Rion on the other hand looked like he wanted this. Rim gently gave him over to me and I nervously grabbed him.


It was at the moment when I held him in my hands that I felt something. Something calm. When I sat him down on my arm and brought him next to my chest and shoulder I felt a little relaxed. The feeling was so wholesome when he calmly rested himself next to me, it gave me healing vibes. As if something that was missing from me, something that I never even knew about, was restored.

What was this? It felt so oddly satisfying.

The most astonishing thing was that he remained calm with me. He didn't throw a tantrum or start crying again, instead, he rested his head on my shoulder and kept looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked him, "Why are you looking at me?"

His purple colored eyes were the same as mine, the color specifically belongs to the dragon race and dragons are never born as halves. They are always full fledged demons.

Rion's tiny hand reached for my cheek, "Dada," My eyes went wide when he said that. I felt my heart pound and something inside felt proud.

"You know who I am?" I was taken aback but not in a bad way. I liked it. It made me happy.

"Uh!" He touched my face with both his hands, then calmed back down and rested his head on my shoulder again. It felt so natural with him, there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

Maybe he did need his family...

I remember how I got sick when my mother was suddenly gone from my life... I patted Rion's back as I felt guilty once again.


I should take him to his mother.



I sat there on the bed biting my thumb nail as I continued to panic. I am stuck here in this room with no idea where my son is.

God! How many hours has it been? I looked out the window, it had gotten dark now and my anxiety was only getting worse.

I was either panicking on the bed or pacing around in the room. There was a lot to worry about but the only thing that remained on the top of my list was my son.


Where could he be? Leysa took him so did she not come back? What if something happened to him? What if he gets sick again? What if someone kidnaps him? What if someone hurts him? What if he's just lost somewhere alone? What if someone kills him?

Oh God!!

I stood up from the bed

Oh God! NO!!

I ran towards the door to bang on it again when suddenly it opened. I froze right in front of it with a silent gasp since it startled me.

It was Kaan.

Oh... I relaxed seeing him a little.

He half entered the room, "Hey..." It looked like he had calmed down now. There was no sign of anger on his face anymore.

"Kaan!" I came back to my senses fast, "Please!" I stepped closer to him, "Rion! He-" I paused when I heard a sound.

The sound of a child cooing.

Kaan smiled at me and entered the room and I saw Rion sitting on his arm.

"Oh My God!" I exclaimed and ran towards him to take him into my embrace but the moment I did the action, he didn't respond oddly.

Instead of coming to me like he usually does, he turned his head away and hugged his father. The action left me baffled. I looked at Kaan and he was equally confused.

I looked at my son again, "Rion?" I called his name and he did look at me but then looked away again.

What the hell? I tried to take him forcibly from Kaan and while Kaan complied, Rion refused to leave him. He groaned and glared at me making me even more confused, then 'hmped' his face away from me again as he held onto his father.

Is- is he mad at me? For what!!? What did I do??!!

What is even happening?!?!!?

Author's Bullshit

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