Somewhere far away

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I was on my break and sat in the empty training grounds on the bench at dawn. Today, ever since I woke up, which was in the middle of the night, I've been getting a bad feeling. It feels like something is about to go wrong or like I'm going to lose something. It's weird, I don't know how to explain it.

I shook my head as I sighed when I heard footsteps. It alerted me because usually no one is up this early. I shot my head back and saw a familiar person walking towards me.


Out of all the people, I wasn't expecting her. She had been very much on edge the past few days and we didn't exactly talk.

So seeing her approach me out of nowhere was a little surprising. I kept my eyes on her as she came and sat down next to me.

"Good morning," She greeted softly but I didn't really reply to her with a return greeting. I was a little skeptical after all.

"I thought you were angry at everyone." Today, she looked relaxed for some reason. Well, she did look a little relaxed on the day Leon and Kaan were sent away too but today, something is a little different. On the day of send off, she looked like she was forcing herself but today, she genuinely looks at ease.

"I was," She answered, "But I'm no longer mad." She rested her head on my shoulder out of the blue which startled me. What is she doing? Why is she doing this?

Am I actually not awake?

"Why not?" I asked

"I received the news," She seemed happy but, "The peace treaty has now been officially signed," She also seemed rather sad, "We'll have peaceful years ahead of us." She hummed.

A wave of cool morning breeze passed by us that made us both take deep breaths into it.

"Yea," some locks of her hair came on her face, "It's spreading everywhere." I moved my hands and gently tucked her hair behind her ear, "Common folks are actually happy about it."

She closed her eyes then, "I feel like I've accomplished everything I had to do here."

"Really?" I wanted to tease her, "This early? That's all the goals you had in life? That's lame."

I expected her to get a little mad but she instead chuckled, "I am lame." She snuggled closer into me and while it was making me nervous as a man, at the same time, the weird feeling I had been getting since I woke up got heavier.

My thoughts started to jumble up and I decided I wanted to ask her something.

"Sorin?" I called her name out softly.

"Yes?" She answered,

"Who's Elayne Heart?" I've been curious ever since I heard that name.

"Elayne Heart is someone who existed once," She gave me an ambiguous answer, "But she also didn't..."

That was a confusing answer.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"No one knows her," She said, "Except me." Her voice was getting lower as time passed for some reason. It was familiar to a person who was losing the volume of their voice because they were falling asleep.

"Is this supposed to be funny?" I asked and she giggled.

"Maybe," she replied, "But Elayne is important to me." She looked a little heartbroken when she said that, "She's very important to me." And it made me wonder, who is Elayne really?

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