The knights captain and the Demon King

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Fire, screams, blood, chaos and war.

So much yelling all around, pounding hearts, betrayal, dissertation everywhere and me being dragged away then pushed into a secret passage by Leroy.

I could still see it though. I saw how they cut his head off, I saw the blood fly like it was a spray shower and I saw his head roll lifelessly on the cold hard floor. Flames engulfing the place but the look in his eyes when his bodiless head faced me traumatized me.

I woke up with a jerk, sweating and huffing like a dog. The picture I had just seen was too vivid in my head, like it all had really happened.
My heart was beating like crazy, pouding so loudly it was all I could hear before I realized that it all was a dream.

I began to calm down after finding myself safe in my bed, my body relaxed a little but it took some time for my heart beat to slow down.

I then gulped to lubricate my dry throat and took deep breaths.

That was probably a glimpse of the future. Wasn’t it? About that time when the castle is under attack and Leroy stays behind to make sure I’m able to leave.

A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it.
I can’t let this happen. I’m the king now, I can still change things. I have to try!

I looked to my left. There was a black flower in the vase there. It’s a flower that’s always there in my room. It’s an important import from the demon continent and it’s another one of my secrets. Something that has helped me keep my secret.

There was a knock on the door and I knew who it was. There was only one person who came to my room anyway.

“Come in,” I said and Leroy made his way in.

“You feeling better today?” He asked and I just shrugged, “What about the magic practice?” He asked and I nodded. He gave me the basic magic usage book after I failed to do a simple task at the coronation yesterday and I practiced some of my magic at night.

It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Perhaps because Sorin’s body remembers how to do it.

I looked at him doing his work and as my gaze followed him around I decided that it’s best not to waste any time idling around. The nightmare of the future I just had was a fresh reminder of why I should hurry anyway.

“Leroy,” He stopped and looked at me, “I want to meet with the captain of the royal guards.”

“Yes?” He was astonished at my demand, “Why?”

“I’m going to meet someone and I need him to escort me.” I didn’t tell him the details.


The captain of the knights guard was surprisingly a young man. Maybe about thirty? He had a big build, tan skin, dark jet black hair and eyes, but he was a good looking lad.

“Your majesty,” He gave me a greeting bow.

“Captain,” I accepted his greeting, “How are your knights doing?”

He looked a little confused, “They’re good your highness.”

“Really?” I looked at him, “The ones who helped you capture the demon lord can’t be doing great though.” I know many of them were killed in the battle with the demon king.

There are only a handful of people who know about the Demon lord’s capture and him being here in the palace dungeons so I understood why he reacted the way he did.

The color on his face faded, “Y-your majesty,” He was probably surprised about how I knew.
“Don’t worry,” I assured him, “My father was the one who told me about it.” It’s not a lie. In the original story line, Cedric does tell Sorin about his capture shortly before his death but Sorin chooses to do nothing about it.

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant