Chapter 5 The Scream

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Chapter 5

The Scream

Aunt Becky and Uncle Richard both brought me to King Cross station. I think I felt more nervous this time than I did my first year. At least two years ago I was certain I had some friends, but now I was not too sure. I knew there was absolutely no chance with Draco, but perhaps Lenora would eventually come around. Over the summer, I had started so many letters to her but never sent any of them. That was partly due to the fact I didn’t own my own owl. I never heard from her, but I was still not ready to give up on our friendship.

“Well, here we are,” Aunt Becky said, with her hand on my shoulder.

“Yes,” I mumbled, trying not to sound too dreadful. “I guess I have to go now.”

She turned to look into my eyes. “Look, I know things seem bad now, but I promise they will get better. You’ll see. And remember, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to write to me.”

“You know, as of this year, your aunt is one of the school governors,” Uncle Richard chimed in. “She’ll be more involved with school.”

“Really?” I looked up at her and asked. “When did that happen?”

“Well, last year, Roger Shiner quit because he claimed that Lucius Malfoy threatened him into signing for Dumbledore’s dismissal last year,” Aunt Becky explained, as we headed for the platform.

I nodded and congratulated her, before we passed through the platform.

I hugged them both one last time before leaving to board the Hogwarts Express, and just before I stepped on the train I turned back to wave. I then took in a deep breath as I entered. The other students did not seem to pay me much attention, too wrapped up in their own discussions. So far, I had not even spotted anyone I knew well.

But then I caught a glimpse of long curly auburn hair from a distance. When I walked closer, I saw that it was indeed Lenora. Though I was hesitant, I still followed her.

“Lenora?” I called out, uncertainly.

She stopped, pausing for a moment before turning around. I could not read the emotion on her face.

“Hey,” Lenora said, her tone lacking enthusiasm.

“Hey,” I repeated, taking in another breath. “Do you think, uh… there’s a chance we could sit together on the train?”

For a brief second, she appeared as though she were about to say yes, but then shook her head, declaring, “Sorry, I don’t sit with liars.”

I sighed. “Come on, Lenora. Can’t we at least talk about this?”

She shrugged. “I suppose we can try, but it didn’t work so well last time.”

That’s because you had to be stubborn about it by pretending I didn’t tell you the truth first! I wanted to shout, but resisted the urge.

As the two of us stood there, arguing, the compartments began to fill. I noticed only one empty one nearby.

“Well, I’m going to sit in here,” I stated, coolly. “If you change your mind, feel free to join.”

As I opened the compartment door, I heard a familiar, obnoxious voice say, “Oh Lenora.”

I turned to see Pansy approaching her, with Daphne and Millicent waiting in the compartment some ways down, on the other side of the isle. I just realized the best thing about moving to another house will be that I won’t have to endure Pansy nearly as much. Unfortunately, if I end up back in Slytherin anyway, she will be worse than ever to me.

Melanie Rosen: Year 3 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now