Chapter 20 Scars

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Chapter 20


    I opened my eyes and tilted my head to the side to see a green curtain pushed back. I had been brought to the hospital wing.

    “Well, look who finally decided to wake up.”

    I sat up and saw Lenora sitting on the end of my bed.

    I rubbed my eyes and asked, “How long was I out?”

    “Just an hour,” she replied, and then nodded to the table beside me. “Madame Pomfrey wanted you to eat that when you wake up.”

    I glanced at the table and saw a small plate with chocolate triangles. I grabbed one and chomped down on it. Just like the time on the train, I felt soothed from the chocolate.

    “So we both have detention for being outside the castle without permission,” Lenora continued, swinging her legs over the bedside.

    “I kind of figured that,” I said in a sigh and then looked at her, feeling a measure of guilt. “Sorry I got you in trouble.”

    Lenora just shrugged. “I’m used to it.”

    As I chuckled she added, “Also, Madame Saunders want to speak with us when you’re recovered.”

    “Good,” I said, swinging my legs over the side. “I want to talk to her too.”

    We left before Madame Pomfrey had the chance to come back over and check on me. I did not want to waste anymore time. I have not spoken to Madame Saunders since I found out she was my cousin. We have quite a bit to catch up on, starting with why every single family member seems to be lying to me.

    “So did you hear anything this time?” Lenora asked while we walked to Madame Saunders office at a rapid pace.

    I nodded. “This time, I heard Andre’s voice. It sounded like they were trying to get someone away from someone else. He said she would turn out just like him.”

    Lenora looked just as befuddled as I felt. “Do you have any idea who they were talking about?”

    “No,” I replied, shaking my head with a huff. “But I’m going to find out.”

    On the path, we came across Pansy. I groaned, not in the mood to deal with her.

    “Oh my gawd, Lenora!” Pansy stammered, standing right in front of us with her hands on her hips. “You lost us more house points! You know, you really shouldn’t hang around Melanie. She’ll only get you in trouble all the time.”

    As I took a moment to think of the irony of that last statement, Lenora rolled her eyes and retorted, “Right, because before I met Melanie, I never got in trouble.”

    Now Pansy just rolled her own eyes and stormed off. Lenora and I exchanged glances and continued on our way.

    Once we reached Madame Saunders office, we found the door was slightly cracked open.

    “Should we knock?” Lenora asked.

    I opened my mouth but before I could say anything Madame Saunders called out, “That won’t be necessary, Miss Lane. You and Miss Rosen can come on in, and please close the door behind you.”

    We both entered and I closed the door. Madame Saunders motioned for us to sit on the two chairs in front of her desk. I noticed when her sleeve rolled up the scars on her lower arm appeared darker. Perhaps I just imagined that. I still wondered how she got those scars in the first place.

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