Chapter 10 A Glimpse in the Forest

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Chapter 10

A Glimpse in the Forest

“Oh, my poor Draco!” Pansy wailed out, as the rest of us watched Hagrid carry him to the castle. “I hope he’s going to be okay!”

“He’ll be fine,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. “Its not like he’s going to die from a broken arm.”

“You!” Pansy turned to face me, pointing her finger at me. “This is all your fault!”

“How is it my fault?” I demanded. “I’m not the one that told him to insult the hippogriff after Hagrid specifically said not to.”

“Oh yeah,” she retorted, slamming her hands against her hips. “I saw Draco talking to you right before he took his turn. I bet you somehow got that monster to attack him!”

For a moment, I just gawked at Pansy in disbelief. Her story idea that I somehow made Buckbeak attack Draco was so ludicrous not even that many Slytherins appeared to be going along with it.

Pansy continued, “If they have the decency to fire that giant oaf then you should be expelled too!”

I took a step closer to her and uttered, dangerously, “Trust me, Pansy, if I had anything to do with Draco’s attack, he’d have way more than a broken arm.”

Pansy’s jaw dropped, as she glared at me, infuriated. She then just shook her head and said, “Whatever, Melanie. I am going to report exactly what happen. You just go ahead and enjoy your last days here.” She then turned to her friends and added, “I’m going to go see if my poor Draco is okay.”

As Pansy walked up the hill I glared after her and shook my head, deciding I would rather not waste my time thinking about her at all.

“Well,” Dean said, glancing around at everyone rather awkwardly. “Should we go back inside now?”

“I’m pretty sure the lesson’s over now,” Ron added, looking back and forth between Harry and Hermione with a shrug.

I looked around at my classmates, who began mumbling about what just happened and what to do now. I noticed one person was missing.

I walked over towards Blaise, who was currently chatting with Goyle and asked, “Do you know where Lenora is?”

Blaise briefly scratched his head and shrugged. “She said something about wanting to check out the Dark Forest. I guess she might have snuck off sometime during the lesson.”

I sighed and decided best go see what she was up to. As I walked into the forest, everyone else started to head back to the castle.

Strolling amongst the trees, I thought about how I might have behaved if I were still in Slytherin during today’s incident with Draco and the hippogriff. Would I have sided with him and wanted Hagrid fired? I did like Buckbeak. I think I would have enjoyed the lesson no matter what. Actually, the reality was, I would likely have competed with Pansy to see who could care for Draco the best. Now, the thought of that made my stomach cringe, squeamishly.

As I continued to look for Lenora, I halted, as something about ten trees ahead caught my eye. It appeared to be the back of a person in dark black and blue robes with brunette hair that went down to her mid-back. I stared, as her passed through a thick oak tree, her ringlets of curly hair the last thing to vanish.

“Did you see her too?”

I turned around and saw Lenora, slowly walking towards me.

“The ghost,” Lenora continued, pointing at the oak tree. “You saw her too, right?”

Melanie Rosen: Year 3 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now