Chapter 24 A Riddle Family Tree

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Chapter 24
A Riddle Family Tree

    “No.” I took a step back from my aunt, shaking my head. “No, it can’t be.”

    “I’m sorry, Melanie,” Aunt Becky mumbled sympathetically. “You shouldn’t have had to find out this way.”

    “It’s not possible,” I muttered, feeling a chill. “Mum and Dad… there’s no way they would… I mean, they have to be my parents.”

    My aunt took a step towards me and said, “They are your parents, Melanie. They raised you, but… it doesn’t change the truth.”

    I could almost feel everything I knew crumbling around me. Not only my life, but also the way I viewed my own family had drastically changed. With Andre being my true father and Voldemort his, that made me a direct descendent of the most feared wizard himself. No wonder the sorting hat was so willing to place me in Slytherin two years ago.

    “Well now she knows,” Black concluded as he turned back to Harry. “Now, it’s time you know the story of what really happened to your parents.” He pointed his stiff finger directly at Ron. “It’s all starts with where that rat of yours came from.”

    “Don’t listen to anything he says,” Aunt Becky snarled.

    “Just hear me out,” Sirius Black persisted. “If you still don’t believe me, I’ll let you can send me back to Azkaban.”

      “There’s a way to prove what he’s going to say, Rebecca,” Lupin added. “I have a feeling you won’t believe anyway until you see for yourself.”

    Aunt Becky kept her wand pointed directly at Black but nodded. He went on to explain that Ron’s rat was not actually a rat, but an animagus, a wizard by the name of Peter Pettigrew. I looked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione as Black told his tale. They did not appear all that convinced that Black was telling the truth. I could not blame them. It seemed way too out there to sound credible. A wizard who was known to be dead was actually living as a rat all this time? It was crazy, but then I began to wonder why Sirius Black would make this up in the first place.

    Black then accused Pettigrew of selling out the Potter family and slaughtering those muggles that night. This seemed a little too convenient for Black but I supposed it could still be possible. I honestly was not sure what to believe.

    I took a step behind my aunt and looked up at her face to see if she appeared convinced.

    “You said you have a way to prove what your saying?” Aunt Becky challenged, eying Lupin.

    Black opened his mouth to say something but before he had the chance, a voice came from the corner, “How disappointing, Rebecca. I would not have thought you would fall for Sirius Black’s deceit so easily.”

    We all looked and saw Professor Snape uncover his invisibility cloak.

    “Well, well Severus,” Black sneered. “I see you’re still putting your nose in places it doesn’t belong.”

    “Speaking of places you belong,” Snape snarled back, glancing at Lupin. “We’ll have two more for Azkaban tonight.”

    “You’re making a mistake, Severus,” Lupin argued. “I didn’t believe it at first but if you do this, you will be putting an innocent man back in Azkaban.”

    While they continued to argue, Aunt Becky touched my arm and whispered, “I need to get you and your friends out of here.”

    I looked up at her. “What if Black really is telling the truth? Professor Snape really would be putting someone innocent in prison.”

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