Chapter 19 Another Visit

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Chapter 19

Another Visit

    Harry had received a Firebolt as a late Christmas gift from an anonymous giver. Hermione believed the person who sent it was Sirius Black himself and he cursed the broom for Harry so she took it to Professor McGonagall to have it looked at. Now, Harry and Ron are both fighting with her. Ron’s beef still seems to be more about how Crookshanks antagonizes Scabbers rather than the actual broom.

    I personally thought Hermione did mean well, but of the three, I tended to talk with Harry the most this year. I tried to spend time with all of them equally but that wasn’t always easy. For most of this week, I ended up spending more time alone, hoping the feud would blow over.

    Sitting on the couch in front of the fire, I still kept thinking about Andre. I knew there was nothing more I could do here. Everyone who knew him refused to talk about him and I already found all the information I could in the school.

    Yet, there were still questions. Why was he kept a secret? Was I present when he died? Did the screams I heard from the dementors even take place the day he was killed?

    I then got a dangerous idea of how I could possibly figure out whether I was actually there when Andre was murdered. I would have to trigger the memories and there was one way I knew for certain I could do that.

    I knew my idea was not good to be alone for but I could not think of anyone I could ask to accompany me. Harry was currently doing a one-on-one lesson with Lupin on how to fight off dementors. I didn’t think Ron or Hermione would be too keen on intentionally going near something dangerous. Plus, Hermione had a thing about breaking the rules.

    There was, however, one person I could think of that didn’t mind a little danger and definitely had no problem breaking the rules. 

    I strolled about the castle for nearly half an hour before I finally found Lenora exiting McGonagall’s classroom. I could only assume, since it was a later hour, she had detention.

    I casually strolled by her, pretending not to notice her presence.

    “What are you doing out this late?” she asked, eying me curiously.

    “Oh, I just thought I’d go for a late night walk,” I replied, indifferently, “maybe try and get another look at one of the dementors.”

    Yes, that was my plan, to go around one of the dementors and see if I can hear the voices again. I planned to stay far enough away in hopes I wouldn’t faint again, but just in case that didn’t work out, it would be nice to have another person around.

    She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. “Have you lost your mind?”

    I shrugged. “What? I just want to get closer look at them. Last time, I didn’t really get a chance since I fainted and all.”

    As I continued to walk forward, Lenora followed me.

    “Aren’t you worried about what will happen if you faint again?” she asked.

    I took in a breath. Of course that thought crossed my mind. That was the very reason I didn’t want to go alone.

    However, I replied, “I don’t think I’m going to faint this time. Last time I didn’t expect what that dementor would make me feel, but this time I’m prepared for it.”

    She raised her eyebrow. “Do you have a magical defense prepared?”

    “No,” I admitted more quietly, the confidence slowing draining out of my tone. “I just know what to expect this time.”

    I continued onward towards the outside of the castle. Just as I had hoped, Lenora followed in that same direction.

    I turned my head to her. “So you want to get a closer look at the dementors too?”

    “Well, I’m not going to sit in the common room and listen to Pansy brag about her new expensive robes she got for Christmas while you go out dementor spotting all by yourself,” Lenora pointed out, firmly.

    I turned my head and grinned. I knew if I were up to something interesting and even dangerous, there was no way Lenora would miss out, despite her personal feelings on me.

    As we walked along the outer porch along the side of the castle, Lenora asked, “Why do you really want to get close to a dementor? There’s got to be more to it than just simply seeking a thrill.”

    I paused, unsure of how much I wanted to tell her. I wish I had given this part more thought.

    “Is it about this Andre fellow again?” she pressed on.

    I huffed, as I had completely forgotten that I had already told her about Andre.

    “Yes,” I admitted. “I recently found out he was my aunt and mum’s cousin, yet for some reason neither of them have spoken of him. Whenever I bring him up to my aunt or uncle they suddenly grow all secretive. I just want to know why.”

    I decided to leave the part out where Andre Riddle might in fact be related to Tom Riddle, known as Lord Voldemort to this world. I don’t think Lenora would intentionally tell Pansy, but if Slytherin’s princess were someone to catch word of this, the rest of the school would know within the same hour.

    We were now at the Quidditch field and made our way to the outer edge away from the castle. I gazed up in the sky in search of one of these hooded creatures.

    I didn’t see one, but I felt a sudden chill. One must be near.

    “Do you feel that?” I asked Lenora.

    “Suddenly depressed? Yeah I feel it,” she answered back, and turned around pointing. “It’s right there, Melanie.”

    I turned around and tilted my head up. There it was, hovering above us. My head then turned over to Lenora. I felt a sudden rush of guilt as I realized how selfish it was to drag her into this.

    “Go!” I said, nudging her away.


    “Go back in!” I repeated more urgently. “We’re going to need someone who knows how to fight them off and neither of us do.”

    “I’m not going in unless you do!” Lenora replied stubbornly.

    “Fine,” I contented, turning towards the castle, taking her hand. “Let’s go.”

    As she pulled me back to the castle, everything in front of me went dark, only fog.

    ‘Andre!’ The same woman wailed out.

    ‘Darlene, I beg you,’ a man’s voice called back. ‘Get her away from him! Please! Do you really want her to turn into a monster like him? Please, Darlene. She’s our…’

    Before I could hear the rest, I felt my body crumble down, losing consciousness.  

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