Chapter 6 Resorted

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Chapter 6


When I opened my eyes, I found I was lying on my side in another train compartment. Lenora sat directly across from me.

“Well, good morning, Sunshine,” Lenora greeted with a sly grin.

“What happened?” I asked, sitting up, rubbing my head.

“Apparently you fainted,” Lenora said, and then pulled something in brown wrappings out of her pocket. “Oh, the man in the ragged robes told me to give you this when you wake up.”

I glanced at her hand, tentatively, and demanded, “What man?”

Lenora shrugged. “I don’t know. He rushed off, before introducing himself.” She then tossed the item over to my side. “Just take it. It’s only chocolate.”

I picked up the chocolate for a brief moment before dropping it back beside me.

Lenora gawked at me and rolled her eyes. “What, do you think I poisoned it?”

Instead of answering her, I recalled aloud, “Someone was in trouble! I heard them screaming.”

She raised her eyebrow. “There wasn’t anyone screaming, Melanie.”

“Yes there was!” I insisted, slamming my hand down on the seat, and then pointed at the door. “It was a woman out there and she was screaming really loud! How could you not hear it?”

“Probably because it wasn’t real,” Lenora sighed, slouching back. “You’re probably just hearing things, again.”

“Well, last time I heard something no one else could, it turned out to be the monster attacking people,” I reminded her, sitting on the edge of my seat. “Maybe this is somehow similar.”

“If what you heard was a monster then why would it scream like a girl?”

I just stared at her in disbelief for a moment and then rolled my eyes. “You’re impossible sometimes, you know that?”

I then stood up, feeling a rush of dizziness. I did not even realize my body was in shivers until this moment. It almost felt like I had the flu. I tried to ignore these symptoms as I began to slide the door open.

“Where are you going?” Lenora demanded.

I did not even bother to turn around as I answered, “I’m going to go see if I can find whoever was in trouble.”

“You know you should probably rest,” she said, quietly. “You really don’t look good.”

I shook my head and insisted, “I have to, especially if I’m the only one that heard whoever might be in trouble.”

The moment I opened the door. I found a man standing in front of me, blocking my path. Based on his grey shaggy robes, I assumed he was the man Lenora spoke of before.

“Off for another stroll so soon?” he asked, appearing slightly amused. “I think one fall is enough for this trip. Why don’t you sit down and give yourself a chance to recover?”

“But there’s someone in trouble,” I pleaded, trying to push past him.

“I heard…”

“I assure you, everyone on the train has been accounted for, and they are all safe,” he insisted, motioning his hand back to the seat. “Please, have a seat.”

Not bothering to sit down, I demanded to the man, “Who are you?”

“Forgive me for not introducing myself,” he said, “I am Professor Lupin. I will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now, Miss…”

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