JAN | Raf780

121 6 1

I am alive, I am a breathing carcass and listlessly I wait
Fumbling for control, I've become a marionette of fate

Encaged by an ironic prison whose door always stands agape
Mocking and jeering for I lack the strength to escape

- from Traveller by Raf780

for "New Year's Fiesta 2022" contest


What are 3 words that describe your writing?

Simple, Unfiltered, Honest

What does poetry mean to you?

To me, poetry means comfort. It means peace. I feel a keen sense of contentment whenever I finish writing a poem, especially when I feel it packs an impact. I always say all writing has meaning. But poetry lends that meaning an extra layer of impact. Write the same thing as both prose and poetry and I can almost guarantee the impact of the poem will last longer.

What would you say makes for a good poem?

Personally, I think a rhythmic poem makes for a very pleasant reading experience. Couple that with a good rhyming scheme and a strong message and it's a winner in my book.

Tell us a little bit about your poem for the New Year's Fiesta contest.

"Traveller" is about the journey of a patient battling cancer. The idea behind the poem was that of someone confined to a hospital room who'd put his reflections on paper every night (hence the little break at the end which indicates the passing of a couple of days) as he's slowly eaten up by this pernicious disease.

It was inspired in part by Carla Reed's story in The Emperor Of All Maladies. Also, I thought it'd be an unconventional way to tackle the contest prompt.

What are some of your favourite poems?

I love One Art by Elizabeth Bishop and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

If you could meet one poet, who would you pick?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal.


Thank you for chatting with us, Raf!

If you want to read Raf's works, visit them at Raf780.

Until next time!

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