Versification 2023: Aravis-Brightspell

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The Fourth Horseman

From the hollow hills,
The Fourth Horseman
On a pale steed doth ride,
Cloak trailing in the black wind
Where disease and pestilence abide.

With a crimson scythe that reaps
Many in its terrifying wake,
Souls asunder weep and wail.
Affliction follows, death awaits,
As the Horseman scours the mortal vale.

Hello Aesthetes!

Here we have with us Aravis-Brightspell one of our day winner and runner up of the following day:
🔺 Day 16: Disease
🔺 Day 28: Sailor
of versification 2023.

🎈1. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

My favorite prompt is Sailor (Day 28).

🎈2. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

Treasures of the Sea [Day 28 - Sailor]

Ocean of stars like diamond reflections,
Wind's gentle caress on sapphire crests,
While the moon glides o'er in pearliest glory,
Everlasting jewels of wondrous beauty.

Treasure is not underneath the deeps,
Buried in sunken, crumbling ships,
Nor tucked away in islands concealed—
But in a sailor's eyes, beholding the sea!

🎈3. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Narrative, Rhythmic, Descriptive.

🎈4. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

I draw my inspiration from a variety of subjects: life experiences, particularly those that are emotionally stirring, the beauty of nature, current events that have a significant impact on people's lives (such as the war in Ukraine or the pandemic), mythological and spiritual themes.

🎈5. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

Emily Dickinson. Her poem "Not in Vain" is an old favorite. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ("The Arrow and the Song"), and Edgar Allan Poe ("The Raven", "A Dream within a Dream").

🎈6. What was your favourite part of Versification?

I think the part I enjoyed the most is the daily challenge of writing different themes based on the prompts and getting to meet other writers in the community.

🎈7. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

Emily Dickinson. I would have loved to meet her!

🎈8. What style of poetry/writing do you write normally?

I usually write rhymed poetry or free verse, depending on the subject or my mood.

🎈9. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

I have many favorites, one of which is "Ode to the Sea", a poem I wrote based on an oil painting I made a few years back. (Yes I also dabble in painting lol). I just love the rhythm and pacing of this poem, and the emotions and longing it conveys.

Thank you Aravis-Brightspell! Do check out their winning entry 'Versify' and shower them with lots of love.


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