Versification 2023: Shivran86

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we are the patrons of art, grace in our blood

we are made of verses and music, melody dripping from our tongue

we are a band of free birds, flying higher than the majestic eagle,

in a sky that cannot bind us.

we are a society of poets, a gathering of souls ancient

we write on beauty and passion untamed

forbidden isn't strange for us; we have it for breakfast every morning

we preach love of every form, whether crude or of care, every flock we welcome openly.

Hello Aesthetes!

Today we have with us Shivran86 one of the winners and runner up of the following days:
🔺️Day 18 Forbid
🔺️Day 22 Society
of versification 2023.

🎈1. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

'Memory' was my favourite prompt.

🎈2. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

[It is the last poem, named 'you']

sometimes i ask myself- who am i?

perhaps achilles whom i chased, or the amun whose blood i may carry, or the child of kalika, ever ethereal and rare

i count the days left, for i know time slips like sand; i am to be no more

it used to plague me, make me afraid, that the lingering truth of life is death

i had seen yama take you away to yamaloka, on a black bull like apis

ignorant to all my pleas and cries to be merciful

maybe he has been benevolent in drawing a line to your life before doom would have engulfed you

now, it's my time to be forgotten, getting merged with history

until the day of my last breath, i shall be a maniac lost in your memory

who am i? Maybe i have the answer- i am you.

🎈3. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Love. Soul. Eternity

🎈4. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

Well, défendu is all about love! I take inspiration from real life experiences, history and mythology

🎈5. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

Yes, it's Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Rabindranath Tagore

🎈6. What was your favourite part of Versification?

The fact that I was pushed towards writing poetry again. I really felt like a true April born!

🎈7. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

Well, one Wattpad poet (yes)- @kindawhoresomexo

🎈8. Mention a form of poetry/writing do you write normally?

Free verse.

🎈9. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

The most favourite poem I have ever written is 'I have seen you' from my collection Words and Secrets. It is written as a devotional piece to Shiva, who is both called the Demon of Demons (literally) and the Great among the Gods. He is both the ugliest and the handsomest!

Here is the poem:

O, the Demon of Demons!
The darkest among the dark
The sinister among the storms
The venom among the milk.

It is you, who have bewitched me
I have seen you, bathing in the bluest, blackest sea
Staring at the night sky
Murmuring the ancient prayer of vanity.

I have seen you, shrieking among the lost spirits
Dismembered and dismantled beings
Coughing up bloody curses, sweeping the life off earth
I have seen you, healing them.

I have seen you sitting amidst corpses
Breathing in peace
As abused souls cry for justice
Moan in pain,
I have seen you, dance and smile along with the dejected.

I have seen you, playing with blood and ashes
I have seen you wearing a garland of bones
I have seen you kiss the Dead and burn the Life
I have seen you regenerate.

You, the Demon of Demons
Whom everyone fears to death...

But I have also seen you playing with the children
Covering yourself in mud like a five year old kid
Laughing and giggling like life is a rainbow
Filled with sweet honey and fragrant roses.

I have seen you shine like gold, fair as camphor
With a bow and arrow, a deer beside you
Your third eye shining purple, like a precious crystal
Which I wanted to touch.

I have seen you light up the sky with a thousand stars
Celebrating the arrival of Krishna
I have seen you dress as the handsomest
In the marriage of you and your beloved Uma.

I have seen you, dance among the countless destructive galaxies and countless creative suns,

I have seen you, O Pisacha!
I have seen you, Chandrasekhara!

Thank you! Shivran86. Do check out their winning entry défendu and shower them with lots of love.


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