Versification 2023: Divyansh16

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Echoes of Eruption

Eruption, a word of force,
In history, it takes its course,
Volcanoes spew molten fire,
Ravaging lands, never to tire.

Pompeii buried, Vesuvius' rage,
A deadly event, preserved on page,
Nature's power, impossible to tame,
Eruption echoes, history's flame.

Hello Aesthetes!

Here we have with us the Grand Runner-Up of Versification Divyansh16

🎈1. How did it feel to find out you were on of the Grand Runner's Up for Word prompt contest?

I experienced a mix of emotions—joy and a bit of overwhelm. While my ultimate desire was to be the Grand Winner, being the Runner-Up is still satisfying. The feeling of triumph is always sweet!

🎈2. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

Historical. Why? The whispers of the past echo through historical documents, providing valuable insights into our history and teaching us invaluable lessons.

🎈3. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

"I am Historical, the keeper of time,
A record of events, both mundane and sublime,
From the rise and fall of empires grand,
To the battles fought on blood-soaked land.

I am the witness to the stories of old,
The tales of glory, and the fables told,
My memory etched in pages and stone,
Preserving the past, for generations unknown."

🎈4. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Raw. Creative. Complex.

🎈5. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

My family has been a great source of inspiration for me. My grandfather was a passionate poet who delighted in composing poems in Hindi, and my aunt also shared the same love for writing verses. Their passion for poetry has influenced me deeply, and I'm grateful for the creative legacy they have passed down to me.

🎈6. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

🎈7. What was your favourite part of Versification?

The challenge of not exceeding 10 lines.

🎈8. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.

🎈9. What style of poetry/writing do you write normally?

Free Verse, Ode, Ghazal, and Epic.

🎈10. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

"I absolutely cherish 'The Wanderer's Lexicon,' my sixteenth poem from the poetry collection 'Echoes of the Heart.'

It beautifully captures my inner journey, personal experiences, and reflections on life and the world. This poem is a tapestry of creative words sourced from various languages worldwide.

The poem is vivid portrayal of my human experience, combining imagery, emotions, and intellectual musing."

🎈11. Anything you'd like to add or say?

Gratitude to all who've embraced my poems, your appreciation fills my heart with joy. Each kind word brightens my day, and I extend special thanks to The Wattpad Poetry team for organizing Versification-2023 and honoring me as the Grand Runners-up.

Thank you Divyansh! Do check out their winning entry Echoes of History and shower all the love.


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