Versification 2023: cartoon-addict

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Her piercing eyes hide behind an
embroidered sheet of fright
Cold feet, she stands
Teetering on the edge of uncertainty
An everlasting choice to shed her voice
A lazy veil of betrayal.

Hello Aesthetes!

Today we have with us the the winner of 'Day 29: Veil' of versification cartoon-addict.

🎈1. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

My favourite prompt in this Versification contest was number fourteen, provoke.  

🎈2. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

My favourite poem that I wrote was for day six, Robust. I enjoyed writing something sensual rather than something dark, which is what I usually write. I liked the challenge of creating this beautiful women-like creature in a romantic light, without mentioning anything too explicit.

🎈3. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

I think sullen, immoral and focused are three words that describe my writing.

🎈4. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

My inspiration for my poetry is mother nature, women, adolescence and music. Many of my pieces evolve around stories and songs that I have read and heard about the struggle of female teens. I use their pain to describe these problems in my poetry.

🎈5. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

Emily Dickinson is my favourite Poetress.

🎈6. What was your favourite part of Versification?

My favourite part of Versification was being able to challenge myself to come up with new topics to write about using the prompts, so that they didn't sound the same as the ones last year. I also enjoyed socializing with the other people in this contest, and making new friends.

🎈7. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

I'm not quite sure if this counts, but I would love to meet Kurt Cobain, since he was a great lyric writer.

🎈8. What style of poetry/writing do you write normally?

I usually write lyrics poetry.

🎈9. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

I think my favourite poem I've ever written was one that I wrote for last years Versification. It was for prompt number one, Carcass. I wanted to write something that displayed romanticized horror.

🎈10. Anything you'd like to add or say?

I am very thankful that I had an opportunity to answer these questions and I can't wait for year'syears competition!

Thank you! cartoon-addict. Do check out their winning entry Stained Glass and shower them with lots of love.


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