Versification 2023: Tremar_Ivey

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A pint of remorse, a dash of fears,
Drizzled with compassion, topped with a sprinkle of tears .
Five pounds of love, warmth and a pinch of shame,
Marinated with depression and an ounce of pain .
Combine heartbreak until dough becomes tight,
Leave it in the freezer, hearts become cold over night.
Add to pan greased with stress, bake for 30 minutes at 207 degrees,
As this will allow one to wipe their own tears, once on their knees.
Construct a buffet and allow it to cool,
As this cookbook isn't in the library at your school.

Hello Aesthetes!

Today we have with us the Grand winner of Versification 2023 Tremar_Ivey.

🎈1. How did it feel to find out you were on of the Grand Winners of word prompt?

I was absolutely dumbfounded!!! I had no words!! The moment I saw that I was mentioned in the Grand Winners category, there was no words uttered except uncontrollable utterances of high-pitched noises!!  If I'm going to be honest, I thought the furthest I'd go would be at least Honorable Mentions; but seeing that I secured 3 winning poems and 3 runner-ups, I must say this is beyond an Achievement!

🎈2. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

Coffee, that would be my favorite prompt. The very moment I saw that prompt being released entitled "Coffee" I jumped for joy!! With my Insomniacs Poetry Collection being entitled "Written by Caffeine", what better way to dive into such a delight.

🎈3. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

Now this is going to be a hard one. I'd say "Tranquil" because of how it portrays the definition of tranquility from the Villains' POV, but at the same time, I have to choose "Construct" instead. It allowed me to challenge my creativity in constructing such a balance of rhymes, flow, and organization while ensuring that the content remains logical to the prompt description.

🎈4. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Thank you for asking this question. Through all my life I've lived by three words and I've applied them to all my writings whether its a poetry collection or a novel; you an take comfort into reading any of my works as long as you start reading with the mindset of #ETU : Expect The Unexpected.

🎈5. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

I write to escape reality, to vent through my stresses of life, I write to Inspire but read to Transpire; that's a thing I've always done. But for this specific collection, my inspiration has been my inability to fall asleep- Insomnia; now when coupled with this drug called Caffeine it allows me to document the thoughts of my overthinking mind or what my dear friend @Tkryss likes to call "3 a.m. Thoughts".

🎈6. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

As A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once said "Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrows." I can say without a doubt that my favorite poetess @Tkryss perfectly captures this essence as it is something that I deeply agree with. Her choice of words and use of analogies allows a seamless flow of literature that always leaves an impact. If interested you it is my suggestion to check out her poetry collection entitled "Alis Grace".

🎈7. What was your favourite part of Versification?

My favorite part of Versification would be the diversity.

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