TIMEOUT | baby, you ain't shit

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SLIPPING INTO Ace's skin is as smooth as buttah

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SLIPPING INTO Ace's skin is as smooth as buttah.

I always knew Ace had a kind heart. I knew it the moment he sat down at my tutoring desk and apologized for being two minutes late. I could see his kindness in the way he really listened as I gave him advice about how to revise his poorly written English paper. And in the way he'd give his full attention to anyone that spoke to him. But allowing me this moment to speak directly to my killer? Well, damn, Devy cakes. If he wasn't a keeper before, he sure as hell is now. All in favor say aye.

For a moment I look around, enjoying the simple things in life like breathing—who knew it to be such a delicacy? Oh, and smelling. Yeah it's so fucking weird not to smell anything in dead mode. But the distant sirens aren't so distant anymore and I'm on borrowed time.

Devyn looks at me in her classic Peewee, are you there? face. So in Ace's deep set voice, I say, "Hi Devy."

She breathes out. "So it worked."

"Of course it did."

We both turn our attention to Ben. The little bastard—and boy does he look so little in Ace's athletic body—blinks up at me with a scowl. Almost like he's waiting for me to punch him some more. And as much as I'd love to beat him 'til the cops show up, I didn't take possession of Ace just so I could get him into more trouble.

"Benjamin," I begin with as much calm as I can. "I've known you since the seventh grade. I befriended you when everyone else thought you were a little weirdo. My dad sponsored you for every summer leadership camp because he believed you were the son he never had."

Ben remains silent, glaring up at me.

I huff my annoyance. "So your solution to not getting one scholarship was to brutally murder me in the bathroom of Nate's party like a bitch? You're a real piece of work."

"It wasn't supposed to go down like that," he says, gritting his teeth.

I motion to Devyn and she finds her cell phone on the floor to begin recording.

"Then how was it supposed to go down?" I ask, trying to keep my temper in check.

"It was supposed to look like an accidental overdose. I was sure the Xanax and alcohol would do the trick, but when we got upstairs and you were still alert, drowning you was the next best thing."

I roll my eyes. "Except I fought back."

"Yeah," Ben says, slightly baffled. "You did. I should've known you would but it felt like another kick to the face—that I might lose to you even when you were on Death's doorstep. So things turned ugly, fast."

"And letting Ace take the fall? Was that your plan all along? Did you set him up?"

"No. That was pure luck. Ace was probably the fifth person to use the bathroom that night and I was sure he would discover you because he wasn't as drunk as the others. But then he came out, unalarmed, and Melanie went in after him and the finger pointing didn't take long after that. Who was I to point out everyone's bias?"

I snarl. "You're sick."

He chuckles. "Eh. More like an opportunist. The cops were the ones who decided he had some creepy ass obsession with you."

The sirens are just outside the dorm and when I glance back, I see crowds of people gathering at the door. They're all holding their cell phones high in the air and whispering Ace's name. Devyn stands between them and me, nodding for me to continue.

"And do you regret it?"

Ben sits quietly, actually reflecting on the question. Of course nothing he says can change anything but despite knowing what he's done, I ache to see him breakdown and sob for my forgiveness. I want the little asshole begging on his knees. Tears, snot, drool—the whole damn show.

Instead he merely shrugs. "Maybe."

What the fuck?! Seriously? He's about to go to jail for the rest of his life and he 'maybe' regrets it?

There's shouting from the stairwell. "This is police! Everyone out of the way!"

A smaller but feisty female voice calls out, "We're here Ace! The whole fam! I'm filming everything!"

The crowd at the door starts to slowly peel back.

I crouch to my knees and look Ben straight in the face. "Then you maybe deserve everything you're about to get. Because the minute Hugh Adams finds out what you did, he's going to spend the rest of his miserable life making yours just as fucking miserable."

Ben's relaxed face momentarily freezes. Blood seems to drain from his cheeks because it turns ghostly pale. He knows I'm right. No one fucks with my dad. He's fucking ruthless. And I can honestly say this is the first time I've ever been proud to be an Adams.

"That's right. Baby, you ain't shit and you never will be. See you in the afterlife. I'll be waiting."

I lean in and peck Ben on the temple. And then I make like a ghost and disappear as a soothing peace overcomes me. 

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