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"where are you thinking we should go?" he smiled warmly.

"mmm i dunno, maybe go for food? and out to the park or something?" i giggled.

"yes we can play on the playground and everyone can assume we're pedos." he laughed, as i hit my vape.

"of course." i giggled walking into my closet to get dressed.

i picked up light blue jeans that hugged my hips perfectly and a light pink ribbed crop top.

"you look great." harry smiled, dressed for the day too, as i re entered the bedroom.

"thank you." i giggled, as my phone dinged.

@miniminter- what are you doing ?


"ready to go?" he asked as i nodded and we walked out of the home. i liked to door behind me and dead bolted it aswell.

@miniminter- don't ignore me it's not cute

aw. ignored again.

"what are we thinking for lunch?" he smiled.

"mmm nandos?" i questioned as he shook his head in agreement.

"deal." he said as i got in the driver side of my car.

i connected my phone to the bluetooth and started playing drowning by a boogie.

currently my favorite song at the moment.

"thank you for such a nice day harold." i smiled as he walked me to my door, since he only lived a level up.

"thank you for coming out with me." he smiled back wrapping me in a hug.

"alright i'll see you later." i said before walking into my flat and locking the door behind me.


when i tell you i fucking screamed bloody murder.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!" i screamed, unlocking the door in fear.

"calm down charli." the one and only simon minter said from my sofa.

"how the fuck did you get in my home you fucking stalker!" i shouted.

"i still have a spare key. and its not stalking if you know me." he sighed.

"yes it is simon! you dont enter my home uninvited and wait for me!" i huffed.

"you're a prick and i don't want you here." i added, before taking my shoes off and walking into my bedroom.

"don't follow me. im going to change and i'll be back." i mumbled.

why the fuck is he here.

"i just wanted to talk." he said a few feet from the door.

"get out of my fucking head." i responded.

"once you get out of mine."

"clever." i rolled my eyes while slipping on my minnie mouse booty shorts and a black cropped tank.

"god ive missed you." simon sighed now in the room.

"youre. such. a. fucking. creep." i exhaled trying my hardest not to deck him.

"you have ten minutes what is it." i added.

he breathed in deep before saying,

"i'm sorry for everything. i dont have any excuses. i was just in a shitty mind frame. you deserve a lot better and if you'd give me another shot, i'll show you that." he smiled.

"simon, look." i sighed.

"we do this every few months. you want me, you'd not want me. you can't keep me running back and forth anymore. its so tiring simon. you're killing my soul." i added, looking down.

"im giving you one final chance. and i promise you if you fuck it up, we are never speaking again minter."

"thank you so much charli, i promise you won't regret this." he smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

"you better not make me." i chuckled.

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