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"Josh! Fucking look. Its the girl from the dreams!" I yelled in a hushed tone, showing josh the photo.

"Fuck, even her names the same." Josh said, sitting in his seat puzzled.

"Message her." He said, out of the blue.

"And say what? Hey we don't know each other, and i dream about you every night?" I said, in a mocking tone.

"Hey, you never know. Maybe she dreams of you too." Josh replied, making my head spin even worse than it was before.

I wanted to send a mesage but i didnt know what to say.

"I don't know what to say." I said, staring at the message button as Josh switched seats so that he was next to me.

"Are we talking about that girl from your dreams again? Fam, let it go-" JJ started, as Josh interrupted him,

"She's real."

"What?" JJ said, as his expression dropped, and he jogged over to us.

"Your brother is with her today." I said, showing him the photo.

"Thats exactly the girl you described. Even her names the same" JJ said, in shock, at what he was seeing.

"Message her." He said, exiting his own thoughts.

"I don't know what to say."

"Its always best to start with a hello." he smiled, before going into the kitchen.

"looks like she beat him to it." Josh said, making me look down at my phone.

@charli.x- hi :)

My heart was pounding inside my chest as i wrote out a response.

@miniminter- hello

i started at the message i typed out for a moment before JJ spoke up.

"Way to sound creepy! Nobody says "Hello" anymore." JJ laughed.

"But didn't you say-"

"You have to at least put a smiley face." Josh chuckled.

@miniminter- hello
@miniminter- hell..
@miniminter- hel..
@miniminter- he..
@miniminter- h..

*miniminter is typing*

@miniminter- howdy :)

"What are you a cowboy?" Josh asked.

"Isnt she Logans photographer?" Jj asked, looking at her photos, from his own phone.

"Holy shit! i've met her before!" He said as the memories clicked.

"You have met the literal girl of my dreams and didn't tell me?" I said.

"How was i supposed to know it was her?!" He defended himself.

"shes all i talk about?"

"Just text her back." JJ chuckled.

@miniminter- hey

"There you go." Josh smiled.

"do you think she dreams of you too?"

"I wish. But probably not."

"She answered!" Josh yelled.

@charli.x- um this may sound really creepy but i feel like i know you lol

"She does!" JJ yelled.

"Girls arent straightforward trust me, she dreams of you." JJ yelled.

"Dont be ridiculous." i laughed.

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