A dream or a nightmare?

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A/N: As I already mentioned I will be using stuff from other books but they are all written by me. If you got curious, I'll always be telling the book and the chapter you can find this chapter content.

This chapter is taken from my other book: The Purge Chapter: LOV

Also "This" are Izuku's  thoughts in his POV that are not heared and "this" are thoughts that the LOV can hear though the TV.

3rd POV:

As soon as the LOV set their plan in motion, there was no escape for Izuku anymore. After the week of preparation Toga went into UA disguised as Uraraka and stayed close to Izuku. It was rather easy to get rid of Uraraka since she was the one going out shopping for the girls doorms snacks once a week. At that time the LOV knocked her out without her knowledge and went into the door.

It was a very quick plan, Toga went back in pretended she forgot something and then went for Izuku and hug tackled him. Next step she asked him to go with her cause she had a lot to get and this was how they got Izuku out of the doors. After that it was a piece of cake to knock him out from behind and get him to the doctors space, drug him and wire him up so the LOV could also see what was happening inside his mind.

Izuku POV:

What just happened.....

Did I black out?

Wait did Kacchan hit me over my head and knocked me out again?

Everything is so dark...

I can't see anything. 

.... This doesn't feel like I am knocked out....

Where am I?

As I looked around me, I saw a door. It looks like normal door but leads to nowhere. Just a door, no path, no walls. I could walk around the door and look behind it. There was nothing just darkness and a door that has a faint glow to it.

I wonder what's behind this door?

I slowly approached the door and opened it. It was the LOV's hideout from when we rescued Kacchan. However something was wrong. I felt my whole body and all my senses being triggered. This was definitelly not a dream. It felt to realistic and if that wasn't enough, I wasn't in controll over my own boody at all.

What the heck is going on?

Me: What's up suckers!

What the....

Did I just say that?

Yes, I just said that as I kicked down the door to an abandoned bar and was meet with the members of the LOV looking at me as if I was the crazy one.

Like come on!

What the hell are you guys doing?

It's THE PURGE day and they were just staying there in their bar sitting it out?!



Why did I kick a door down...

Why am I even here?

This feels wrong!

It was weird how I knew how what was going on in an istant but it didn't made sense to me at all. If this was a nightmare I wanted to wake up again but seeing as realistic as this feels this was definitelly not a dream at all.

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