Look at what I can do!

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A/N: Book: One hell of a killer rabbit! (UA Hero/Villain Civil War Game)

Chapter: War day 2: Your class is plain stupid! I know!

Izuku's POV:

The moment I went through the door, I was shooting  every single drone from the sky down and let them explode. I was sure that someone was dumb enough to follow them and soon enough I could hear 2 people running towards me.

???: It came from this direction.

???: We will get him on our own! Then they can't tell us how stupid we are.

They were talking loud enough that me and the caterpillar could hear them. Once they finished their small conversation, I looked at Eraserhead.

Me: Are they serious?

Eraserhead: *Sigh* yes.

Me: And this is your class?

Eraserhead: Don't remind me of it.

Me: What are you teaching them?

Eraserhead: Not enough as it looks like.



This is a good conversation.


Your class....

That means I am not part of this class...

So this is obviously an exercise but why did I say your class and not my class or our class... or just what are you teaching us...


Tho it seems like fun!

I need to suggest doing something like this when I wake up.

I SOOOOOO hope not to forget a thing.

This is literally one of the best dreams I ever had!

Me: Well you need to step it up. I mean did you see the three that we just eliminated? They are nearly above average in terms of quirk control as well as combat skills. I don't care how long they are in this school. Teach them properly at least! Make them sweet blood for fucks sake!

Eraserhead: I will be needing to do that.

Me: This is your turn. They are way to weak to even waste my time on them!

With that I went back from the edge and took out my dagger giving it to Eraserhead. He took them in their hands.

Me: Don't worry I'll stay here.

Just like that I went to the edge and sat down there.

Me: I'll be watching you.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Me: Teach them a fucking lesson they won't forget! For Christ sake this is your damn class!

Eraserhead: I know that already. I am dealing with them on a daily basis.

Me: And they are this weak? You should consider using some surprise fake grenades to make them awake of their surrounding or make them smoke bombs. Why not even make surprise lessons and work them till they fall unconscious!

Ohh please no!

If he could hear you, he would do it.

Soo no!

Just no!

Training is hell enough!

The class is just stupid!

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