🤝chapter 8🤝

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*a hard punch had landed on Jungkook's left side of face by yoongi who was burning in anger*

"You lost him do you realize that Min Jungkook!He is not coming back to you!!. I still can't believe you were playing with him like this...now either apologize or don't show his your fucking face again. Do you hear me!?"

*Jungkook didn't reply, he stood there where words 'you lost him!" replying in his brain*

"Jungkook he cared..finally you founded someone who cared. He tried to change you, someone finally thought good for you... I think you deserve those bitches who you have been fucking around with...don't come to me either until Jimin forgives you Jungkook...you have done enough, if me and jin hyung didn't stoped you that doesn't mean you weren't wrong, we were just afraid you will hurt yourself out of anger...but that was all bullshit you only care about yourself kook "

*He turned to leave but paused and said*

"If you aren't planning to apologize let me know...I don't wanna waste my time on your bullshit anymore..I have many people I can introduce Jimin to and I can bet he will be happy with them"

*He walked away, leaving Jungkook who was shaking in anger as well as fear...he didn't know which on he should let take over...if anger he is sure he is going to lose everyone..but with fear he is going to lose himself*

"H-he can't leave me like th-is"

*His voiced deepened, face turning red, he shook his head as he stood up*

"He can't leave me..he said he loved me, ho-w can hyung say that..I wasn't playing with him, I love him..but I don't deserve him...I hurt him..he hated me..I made him hate me...no! NO!! JIMIN!"

*He screamed fist clenching on his hair as he fell on his knees once again*

"I am sorry....I am sorry I love you...I really love you Jimin I am sorry ughh I am a psycho..I will hurt you again if I come close to you, you will hate me mo-"

"Don't let them win over you kook"

*He rapidly looked beside him finally realizing Jimin sitting there looking at him*

"I can't co-ntrol my feel-ings..I could never..I trie-d, I swear I did jim-in..I hate myself, I hurt eve-ryone..first my pa-rents..then my hyu-ng now you..I am sorry please just once forgive me..I promise  I'll stay away from you...I won't hurt you please "

*He held jimin's hands, crying, looking like a lost child to Jimin*

"I don't want you to stay away from me kook"

*He whispered pulling younger in a hug...Jungkook.buried his face in crook of elders neck sniffing and sobbing softly*

"I always hurt the ones who care about me"

"You have to work hard Jungkook...you know why I made you promise me you will control your emotions? Because I knew this will happen..I have seen Jin hyung sad because of your behavior..yoongi hyung disappointed that he couldn't say anything to you in worry of losing you"

*Jungkook wrapped his arms around jimin's waist, hugging him tighter...silently crying*

"I-I am a dis-sappoin-tment"

*He mumbled*

"No kook...you are unaware of your feelings"

"Eomma said it...appa did too and now yoongi hyung...I shouldn't be here I should have left with eomma appa..but I would disappoint them up there too"

'his parents told him he is a disappointment?!'
*Though Jimin to himself..he know about yoongi hyung they met before he came here..yoongi hyung was just trying to break that tough shield of Jungkook so Jimin can see what he feels inside, and when Jimin did he realized how lost Jungkook is from himself....he felt younger's breathing calm against his neck, he slide his fingers through younger's locks*

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