I Won't Go

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The Professor had so much clout and once they recognized Caitlyn Kiramman we had no problem getting back to the city center. A few sirens blared in the distance but the streets were pretty much empty. I helped Caitlyn get down from the ship and then we were off. Recovered enough to jog to the tower.

Looking up at what was left of the building was shocking. I couldn't keep Caitlyn from rushing inside. I had to chase after her. This really wasn't safe. It was crumbling and cracking. But neither of us cared. Enforcers were bringing people down, some walked holding wounds some on stretchers and others lay lifeless. Some smoke lingered where fires had been put out.

Caitlyn slowed at the entry to the council chamber. The fancy door was gone. But somehow the large table was intact.

"Caitlyn?..." a voice yelled out, it was Jayce. Medarda lay in his lap unconscious. He was wounded but I think he could walk. Enforces were tending to other parts of the room.

"My mother?" Caitlyn asked.

Jayce pointed to another corner of the space that had no walls or roof.  Someone was bent over tending to her. Her mom was still alive, barely.

"Mother!" Caitlyn rushed to her side and tried to lock eyes with her grabbing her hand. Councilor Kiramman was a lot older and her injuries were severe. There was so much blood, but I think they had just bandaged or stitched the largest wounds and were removing her legs from the rubble.

"Caitlyn..." she trailed off but she was still with us. Then an airship came overhead lowered stretchers to the wounded. A couple councilors didn't make it. They lifted all of them out of there and to a doctor streets over. Caitlyn and I hopped on board too.

"Jayce it was Jinx. She manipulated hextech and launched that rocket." I said as we arrived to unload everyone.

He just starred and responded, "No it was Mel, she - she, she saved us." They slipped away into the building.

Caitlyn was shooed away by a nurse as they rushed her mother into surgery, Others forced her out. She turned to grab my arm again. We took a seat outside the building as she tried to quiet her cries.

"Cait, she's being taken care of. It's ok. I've got you." I heard myself say. I couldn't say anymore just threw my arm around her.

It was late and very dark. The city became quiet. Eventually she got up and took my hand leading me in the streets. She sniffed some of the sorrow away.

"Don't, please don't ever leave me again.." She said sharply yet quietly.

I stopped for a moment, "I won't."

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now