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As we inched closer to the house, I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out. I grabbed onto Caitlyn's arm trying to stay upright. She spun around seeing my desperation and grabbed a hold of me just before my head would have slammed into the ground.

"Vi!" She called out desperately. She tried in vain to keep me awake.

That was the last thing I heard or felt. Caitlyn. I couldn't speak. Then everything went black.

My eyes rolled back and forth in the darkness , and I could hear Caitlyn? - no it was myself groaning still not able to form words. My head was splitting in two. My eyelids finally started to behave and flicked open and shut. I still couldn't focus or control much of anything. I was freaking out. I had lost control of my body and thought for sure my mind would be next. I tried to thrash awake and scream out, but still my movements were weak and my voice would not obey my commands.

Then I felt a soft touch on my hand -  a squeeze. Then another hand on my shoulder.

"Vi! Thank God. Vi, I'm here. It's alright."

"Cait?" I tried to say, but it just sort of came out like a garbled "cayhhh - mmm."

"You're ok you're safe. Calm down Vi, you'll be ok..." her hands moved to my face and held me gently. Finally I began to focus on her voice and stopped my movements.

I opened my eyes slowly this time and could see her faintly - blurred. My breathes slowed, I took a steady deep breathe and let it out. Breathing hurt but the pain seemed to wake me more. Then I could see her. Worry and happiness both written on her face.

"Vi, we didn't realize you were so hurt. We almost lost you." She moved and kissed my forehead then sat back holding my hands with both of hers. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Ca-cait." I cleared my dry throat. "What ha-" she stopped me from speaking. Reached for a cup of water and placed a straw at my lips.

"Don't try to speak."

"You must have been hit a few too many times Love. You have 4 cracked ribs and one punctured your lung as we walked home. Massive internal bleeding've lost a lot of blood." She shook her head looking down at me.

"Thankfully my father was home. He saved your life. You're having a hard time breathing because we had to do it for you for a time. He opened you up right there on the street..." her eyes wandered and she thought for a moment - then snapped back, " then we moved you quickly to the hospital..."

"Mmm..." was all I could manage. Her weeping eyes killed me a little more. I reached up and brushed some of the tears away.

"Darling you've been sleeping for 3 days. It's going to take more time to heal ok. Just rest for now. I'll let the doctors know you are awake. Keep being strong Violet. You're going to be alright. You have to be alright."

My eyes rolled back shut. I felt her give my head another kiss then heard her boots click out of the room. I heard her call for the doctors then drifted back to sleep.

I woke later that day as a needle poked into my arm. It burned jolting me awake. It was still hard to wake and open my eyes, but it was a bit faster this time. Caitlyn pressed my shoulders to the bed to calm me down.

"Shhh try not to move..." it was sound advice as the jerk I had just made stung my whole trunk. I laid back slowly still trying not to breathe heavy. She brought some more water over.

"They're just giving you more fluids and antibiotics. Want to try to stave off any infection. You pulled the other IV out in your sleep." She motioned to my other bruised and bloody arm.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now