The Rift in Noxus

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Vi's POV

My cupcake. I thought as I started a fighting routine in the corner but we were interrupted...

It all happened so fast. We were pulled away weapons at the ready and suddenly we ran to a mage staging ground. In the distance you could see the enemies amassing what sort of looked like minions. They were kind of cute. Then it was clear there was magic summoning these creatures on the enemy side.

Sevika came into view and I wanted to crush her. But Cait held my shoulder.

Sevika spoke, "Jericho sends his regards!" She laughed a little and fell back to their line.

Mel's mother muttered. "Swain!"

The battle ensued. I did go low and Caitlyn stayed with me just paces behind shooting over me. She threw traps and launched nets slowing the enemy forces one by one. I was able to seriously cause some damage with these improved gauntlets. And she landed headshots left and right. Blood started to spill off my gauntlets - most of the creatures blood was actually purple.

I glanced at Jayce entering another corridor to fight -hammer at the ready- sparks and hex tech swirled around him. And I could make out Mel standing just behind him. She was using magic. I blinked and took a hit right to the face which snapped me back to the present. I could taste the blood in my mouth dripping down my nose.

We inched closer to the enemy line and then something happened I couldn't move. A swirl of black and echoes - no crowing- bounced off from what seemed like every direction. I looked back at Caitlyn, she looked at me in horror. "Vi!!" She cried. She was safe out of reach of it. I was relieved but couldn't take much more of this, my gauntlets threatened to shatter into pieces and my soul seemed to crumble away. I dropped to my knees. And then finally a warmth. I was shielded by this bright gold orb and Mel came into view. Jayce rushed up to me. Mel cast another spell my way, healing my core. 'How did she?' I just blinked and then someone jumped into view.

It was a man. The same man that addressed us in the hall earlier but he looked so different. A darkness in his eyes. Red, black. And behind him a pale woman stepped into view. She embodied everything evil. Mel gasped "Morgana."

Swain held a hand out helping her descend the steps. Or was she floating?

Mel's mother joined us at the front followed by mage's standing ready. This was going to be a long fight I thought. Caitlyn drew the first blood, hitting Sevika in her good arm.

Swain and Morgana hissed and we engaged. They had more magic on their side but we had brawn.

Sevika and I finally met face to face. She wasn't just using shimmer anymore there was this glow in her eyes, deep red that glowed purple occasionally like the blood dripping off of my fists. Magic and shimmer. I know I had to kill her. We brawled for a while throwing massive blows with our mechs on our arms and smashing each other's faces more than once. I finally got the advantage but was thrown back by her energized bursts from her sword. One sliced grazing into my arm. The next I shielded myself from; she growled. Then Caitlyn took her shot. Sevika didn't even see it coming she was so focused on me with rage. Straight to the head. Sevika was dead.

The battle seemed to even itself out at times after that as we pushed. Then they pushed towards the Noxian city.

Eventually we had to fall back as they grew more powerful. It seemed they were sucking the lives out of our army. Actually I think that was exactly what they were doing but we couldn't see this invisible force they were wielding. They grew stronger and we became weaker. We fell back to the heavy artillery we brought to the wall. It was a fortress but we didn't know how long it would hold. The magic users in Noxus were not strong enough to compete with Swain and Morgana together.

Mel's mother pointed to the hex gate. She called to the operators to open a portal to Piltover. We stayed till everyone else has crossed the threshold and even then she lingered. Mel yelled to her, "Mother please! They will kill you!" Reluctantly Ambessa stepped through the gate at the last possible moment.

We had escaped with our lives. Jayce and I both looked at each other as the gate closed behind us. We have to destroy it. We lifted what strength we had and Mel's mother with us toppled and crushed the mechanisms that controlled the gate. What was left of the army fired into the gate ring until it crumbled to the street below.

That would at least keep them from entering our city for now. It was a long journey by ship from Noxus.

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