Say It Isn't So

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Viktor and Singed were especially intrigued with what Kai'Sa had to say. She explained some of what the Void beings could do. She detailed a few of the other creatures we may encounter and then she demonstrated what we were up against from the largest threat the Mother.

"Mother is more than a being, she is many, she communicates with the other Void members telepathically. They move together as one when she is near. Their powers and abilities are unlike anything you've ever seen."

We all watched in awe as she stepped into the testing site to demonstrate what she herself could do. She had living missiles - tissues that her body would regenerate to shoot multiple targets at once, raining down serious damage on her enemies. They were toxic, causing increasingly further damage as they burned through the enemy. Then she demonstrated incredible speed unlike anything we had seen. She said the Mother could do much of these same abilities and more.

Singed was more than intrigued. He spoke, "so you yourself create this toxin? You do not have to consume anything or replenish it?"

"That is correct."

"Fascinating. As you can see we deal with many chemicals and properties here but your physiology is very different," he explained. "I wonder if you would allow me to test a sample."

"No, this is mine alone. And doctor I do not trust you will keep this to do good, but rather for your own gain."

Singed and Viktor blinked. She had seen right through them.

Moving on, she further detailed the Mother's threat. "She believes she will consume you all to add you to her own. Over millennia slowly she has consumed entire cities and people. She can use every one of their intelligences all at once predicting every one of the things they would have done and most of her enemies moves. She can nearly predict anything. She is faster than I am and far stronger. She has the ability to shift her form massive to humanoid in seconds. She very likely cannot be stopped." Kai'Sa paused and waited.

Viktor spoke, "so what you're saying is we need unpredictability, incredible speed, the ability to contain her, and strength to break her, and on top of that a superior tactician at the helm directing every effort in one massive coordinated response when she shows herself...?"

"In short yes. You will need every last one of you to combat her alone. That and every void being and plant that will slowly consume your world from her entrance."

Vi chimed, "oh good so magic too."

"I see the dilemma, we're still figuring out how to work together here." I brought up. "We've been trying to bolster our defenses and alliances but the processes are flawed and many people unwilling to come together."

"Yes I have seen your progress and your failures. Now I must go and distract the Void from you for as long as I can. Prepare young Kirraman and Gods willing we will meet again." Kai'Sa opened another portal and vanished.

"Wait that's it? Damn it!" Vi struck the wall with her fist. "When Noxus wasn't enough already."

Viktor thought for a moment, "I think it's time we show you what all we have been working on." He motioned to Singed and they agreed.

"The hex core has transmutated further than we thought was possible." He removed his shirt revealing his new body blackened and glowing. "It is power and intelligence. It is learning and ever changing. It is not unlike this mother from the Void."

Singed responded, "but it is our own and controllable magic. It strengthens when you need strength and enhances without command. It is an organic enhancement that does not take a cognitive toll like shimmer and it's mutations are permanent."

"How would we use this?" Vi questioned

"To enhance us of course, as Viktor has already shown it is safe enough." Singer replied.

"I'm not sure many would want to undergo transmutation, although if we can prove it's safe there will be some that would take that step especially when the situation is dire. It's a start." I added, "but what about weapons?"

"Ah yes we have been developing many useful items that enhance the users abilities, but far more promising lately have been the prototypes we have developed from Jinx's notes." Singed gestured to the table.

"It would help to have her verify and extrapolate these. The prototypes are not nuanced, they're not complete." Viktor suggested.

"Hell no!" Vi yelled, "she cannot be trusted."

"No, no neither can I." Said Singed candidly. "However I am an asset to this cause just as her mind could unlock many of the mysteries we have been facing in our work."

"I've heard enough," I shut him down. "Jinx's unpredictable and relentless nature may prove too volatile for any of us to handle. She may be smarter than us all but she-" I stopped. "Shit!" I half whispered.

"Fuck!" Vi threw out cracking the walls corner with her bare fist. "She is exactly what we need."

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα