Daughter of the Void

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Caitlyn's POV

We entered the empty house and turned on a light, the woman winced a little then calmed. She sat.

"Why have you come here? and how?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter how." She looked away out the window. "I didn't think I would want to save any human but I've been watching you, Caitlyn Kirraman, you have changed my mind." She said softly.

"My name is Kai'Sa."

"So you are human? But you..." I asked.

"I was human once, yes. I grew up in the southern deserts and was taken to The Void as a young girl." She explained. "There I eventually joined with a symbiote to survive. We are one. and we are more powerful than you can possibly fathom."

I looked her over, "So the reports we've been getting of disappearances, that..."

"Yes, that was The Void Mother. I was taken a decade ago, this has been happening since ancient times. Parents used to tell their children stories to keep them out of trouble. We all thought it was just rumors and fairytales. Some disappearances happened occasionally when I was a child, but we assumed it was just terrible men taking women and children. We were so wrong."

"Why are you here Kai'Sa? And what do you want with us?" Vi questioned.

She stood looking me in the eye. "Caitlyn Kirraman I can see you are wise and discerning and you have a good soul. Could you trust me?"

"I - I hardly trust anyone right now. But you have given me no reason to doubt you." I said, glancing at Vi.

"Hmm, ok that is enough. I will tell you of the danger you will face." Kai'Sa began to tell this tale recounting many details and painting a picture of a grim world void of any natural light, but glowing and thriving with life. She said there was one Mother who ruled it all, and she wanted more. This dark entity wanted to expand and consume everything around her growing her kingdom.

"I am her daughter but I am also a daughter of humanity. I think it's because of that. I have the ability to watch all that happens in Runeterra... I have been watching and waiting to decide my own fate and the fate of our worlds."

Kai'Sa continued, "I had given up any hope for humanity's survival until I saw you. I believe we can help one another." She gazed at me pausing.

Vi interrupted, "We. I am with Caitlyn and–"

I completed, touching her shoulder, "We work together."

"Yes, well this will not be an easy feat, and I know your Noxian enemies are drawing even closer as well. They have found ways to linger in the shadows not unlike the void creatures you will face from the depths." Her eyes widened. "We must prepare, there isn't much time. Days, maybe weeks. They will find me as well so I cannot linger."

"What can we do to prepare for this?" I asked

"I'll show you the powers they posses and you must find countermeasures. I believe your hextech along with your curious innovations from your Victor, Jinx, and perhaps Singed may be able to assist in this along with some of the magic your people possess. There is dark powerful magic in The Void, and only the strongest can survive it."

"Thanks for that, but why would you help us?" Vi questioned again, not convinced.

"I believe there is yet some good in people. Many are worth saving... And if I can save the best parts of humanity I will have left a strong legacy for the future of both our worlds. The Void can be beautiful in many ways but this darkness from the mother must be snuffed out before it is too late."

With that we determined it was best to assume Kai'Sa was being truthful and to follow her lead. We found her a coat to cover as we walked to Jayce's lab where Viktor and Singed were continuing their weapons research. They worked tirelessly at all hours and though it was late we knew they would be there. We didn't send for Jayce, this new intel needed to be kept quiet and out of the diplomats' knowledge.

Vi couldn't help herself as we walked whispering, "so you think she watches everything?" Raising her eyebrows.

"Shhhh, no–" I hushed.

Kai'Sa heard anyways. "Oh Gods, no I find those sorts of things disgusting."

We both blinked and blushed as we entered the laboratory.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now