15 - The guy next door

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" Akash will be the lead actor." The hall echoed with the shouts of the people as the director sir announced the names. A few whispered among themselves. I stood up, clapping and cheering for Akash who was now standing on the stage.

" We had got a tie for the actress- Maya and Priya." The hall again hooted together. Akash was looking at me expectantly but I somehow knew that this time also I wouldn't get along with Akash as his co-star.

" We had decided to have Maya but unfortunately she will not be available because of her upcoming show. So our lead actress will be Priya Acharya." I clapped once again.

I noticed his sad pout but couldn't do anything but shrug.

" Why don't you join me in this show? I want to do this with you. The story is great. Just try it, Maya," he told me as soon as we came out of the theatre.

His crestfallen face made me want to tell him how much I wanted to do this with him. But I can't help it. My parents wanted me to focus on my studies and to take a break from theatre shows.

He must have seen my hesitation and so he quickly says, " Never mind. I will be okay. Do your show and you better not spoil the show for me. Last time you told me the whole plot beforehand. Against the rules, Maya."

" I... I couldn't control myself. And it was only you. I trust you more than anything."

" Oh, filmy dialogues, huh? It's already 5 pm. We have to go meet Shreya. Come fast," he said as he hopped through the garden. I had decided to manage my schedule and take the role next to him in his show. I followed him until we reached Shreya's house.

" Will you be able to handle both the shows? It will be hard for you," Mukesh sir said as he shook his head. I know this will be hard but still here I was, asking for the role; practically begging.

" I will manage sir. I can do it." I insisted.

" You are a great actor but... you know the decorum. We have already confirmed our actors. And secondly, how will you handle both? "

" Sir, please. " I could only request him to which he agreed to after a lot of thinking and considering every fact.

I was confirmed as the final actress and Akash as the actor. "I still can't believe it. How did you convince sir?" I shrugged my shoulders and ruffled his hair like I always did.

Everything was fine except Priya who thought I snatched her role when she was already selected for it. I didn't tell or mention anything about this with Akash. He considered her a pretty good friend of his and moreover, handling Priya wasn't a big deal for me. I had already gave her the most-needed responses to her queries in a well-respected way.

" Guys ready." The leader asked when we all showed the thumbs up.

I had to stand on a 5 ft tall bench and deliver my lines, acting all drunk. Taking an empty bottle, I went up to the bench. Akash had left in the afternoon after his practice. Today was the last day before the big performance. Thinking of performing in front of a hall full of people with Director Rahul and Rajiv sir as the guest of honour would be fascinating yet unnerving.

Years of doing this still can't make it equal to the nervousness inside me because this time there are high chances of getting a chance to work in TV shows or even films. Both of the guests being big TV and movie directors and searching for a new young talent made me want to give my best, just in case.

At the leader's gesture, I held up the bottle in my hand and swung it a zig-zag way in front of my eyes. As I was supposed to do, I twisted my legs a little to show the drunken state - unable to control my steps. The bench shook a little, no... a lot but I still tried to balance myself. The bench shook convulsively and that is the moment I knew what could happen next.

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